

Miss Piggy The Kuwaiti Version1


This entry was posted on Sunday, August 23rd, 2009 at 12:39 am

16 Responses to “Miss Piggy: The Kuwaiti Version”

  1. Dima says:

    hahaaaa good one.. ohma broo7hum wai3 ba3as ysawoon chithi!!

  2. joy says:

    i was so scared when i saw her today
    and when she started talking i was like noooooooooo
    the nightmare ust started

  3. Mad Reds says:


  4. e7mood says:

    alaahomaa la shamaaaaataa!!!

  5. Abdul Aziz says:

    loooooooool sooooo true ;p

  6. FFO says:

    LOOOL ! MEAN yet true :p

  7. Wicked says:

    so.. i don’t like /know/ love her
    and i don’t encourage whatever she’s doing!!
    bu i know that this is a holy month
    it only comes once a year..
    don’t waste it with posts about making fun of people
    even if you don’t approve of what they’re doing ….

  8. Bo9ale7 says:

    looool al7amdelah o alsheker

  9. ON says:

    صج خرعتني يوم شفتها
    انا ماني فاهم ليش يسوون جذي؟

  10. 3aBooDi says:

    you mean Egyptian version 😉

  11. ANM says:

    La 7araam 3aleek Yousef

  12. B says:

    The woman went through some medical complications, i don’t think it’s fair to poke fun at her.

    Let’s just say al7imdilah weshikir lilah!

  13. Pickle says:

    I second B, it’s not right wallah to resamble someone to a PIG. It’s not even funny

  14. mbeed el mozdwjeen says:

    mno hathi ?!

  15. Web Weaver says:

    Ana mo gadra astaw3eb her face! It is all wrong wrong wrong!!!

  16. Eve's Heart says:

    Miss Piggy is much moor a7La min hathee !!