


Just got this sms telling me to go HEREΒ and try to support them and help them find Fahad. Is this for real?.

From their site:

“We need your help.. Our brother Fahad is missing!
If you would like to help us find Fahad, send “fahad” to 99115858 (100 fils/SMS) and we will be contacting you when we get any helpful information about him.

If you can find Fahad, you will get the chance to win $10,000 and other valuable prizes during November.”



This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 6th, 2009 at 1:34 pm

24 Responses to “Find Fahad”

  1. Q80BOY says:

    i got the same SMS .. cheesy

  2. Q80BOY says:

    wasted my time checking the site out .. apparantley its a game .. atleast it’s better than Viva’s Abdulla πŸ˜›

  3. Elegant Chic says:

    I received this msg too… No idea if it’s a game or real..

  4. B says:

    I was thinking the same! Is it a game or a real thing!

    For a second i thought it was real, i automatically thought it was one of those “Amber alerts ” but when i went on and saw the terms and conditions,I was like what a stupid idea! so i guess its a game, they should have named it something else!

  5. Katuka says:

    Its a Game

    Its one more way to empty your pockets.

    Shame on you for posting and promoting this. Isn’t it enough that they steal our money with their regular service!

  6. M. says:

    7ilwa el fikra!

  7. QWERTY says:

    I didn’t like the way it mocked what may be a current tragedy with other families. I think they got it wrong in that perspective.

  8. Seham.S says:

    Since there will be prizes in november, then it is not true…!!!

  9. SIGTERMer says:

    believe it or not, i actually thought this was serious! i even checked out their site since i might be of help…

    a message to zain: this wasn’t funny. and since we’re on the topic, stop sending us spam. we’re paying customers!

  10. bhuva says:

    What kind of joke is this and many people do get lost. I thought it was real. Very bad!

  11. bczofu says:

    This is realy sick game
    i was thinking there is a child missing
    & it was just agame
    what if there is someone realy needs for help and he used the same way he will not get help from any one bcz of this geam

  12. snakeye says:

    hey bro.u r wrong..this is a bad joke..pls.never ever do it again

  13. M. says:

    madri intaw aghbiya wila shino

    ashkara bil site maktoob “el le3ba”, wetfooozz eb sa7b, o shoroo6 estekhdam o 6am’3at zain kobr rooskom.. shlon bekon 9ej ya3ni loool

    fj2a lekuwaitiyen 9araw 7asaseen wayd? ;p

  14. imona says:

    Ako shy official that its really from zain ?
    Didn anyone make sure its a GAMe FROM Zain ?
    Did u guys contact zain by email or 107 to double check?

  15. M. says:

    I called 107 they told me its a game sponsored by Zain

  16. arnold Julian says:

    its a very bad promotion. you rather not used a person’s name. i thought 1 person is missing…..now i discovered if i pursue find fahad…i will lost some money for the benifits of the promoter.

  17. Kevin says:

    I have to agree with all of you and especially with bczofu. Someday, some family may need help, but people may end up thinking it’s a game. Stupid way of advertising their product.

  18. Twinkle says:

    But they still not yet announced the winner.

  19. Mehroz says:

    Did anyone play this game? or have any information on this?

    I found fahad… must’ve spent around 4 to 5 KD max on sms’s.
    After i found him ZAIN sent me a sms saying “You entered the $10,000 darw”
    and guess what havent heard anything from ZAIN since then.

    Called zain a dozen times, the customer service agents only knew the draw is on 9th November
    No idea about the time or when the winners are going to be announced.

    If I knew the draw was fair and somebody did win… i wouldnt be frustrated… but they are not providing any information.

    Let me know if anyone has info.

  20. Ali says:

    i have also found fahad and received an SMS saying that i entered the draw.. same problem as u, i am not finding anywhere where did ZAIN announced the winner name..

  21. Mehroz says:

    Guess what … till date Zain has not announced the winner.
    or have informed any of the contestants.

  22. Mehroz says:

    finally they have announced..
    today i received a sms from them with this link


  23. Saud Nassir/FindFahadGuy says:

    Sincere apologies for being more than a month late with the announcement, Mehroz πŸ™‚

    Note that the winners were announced in a press release a few days ago here:




    We would really appreciate if you provide us with your input on the link sent to you today via SMS. It will directly influence any possible plans for projects similar to FindFahad in the future.

    Finally, big thanks for playing and hope you enjoyed finding the man πŸ™‚

  24. Mehroz says:

    Saud Nassir,

    Thanks for the info.
    Yes i completed the survey.

    just want to add…
    The game was pretty interesting and the whole idea of how the info was sent on sms… for a little while made me feel like i’m some kind of an agent/detective.
    Its just the information on how the winners were picked and who were the winners was not there. I think that kind of frustrated the players.
    But I think I will probably take part in future projects…