


This entry was posted on Friday, October 9th, 2009 at 6:04 pm

10 Responses to “You gotta hear this kid!”

  1. Mish says:

    KaaaaK he will make a wonderful story teller when he grow up … nu9on nu9on LOOL

  2. 1001Nights says:

    LOL i’m loving ma’36aaneesu!

  3. thamisarab says:

    LOL I just think he is adorable…شكله بيطلع خطيب مفوّه 🙂

  4. Wa6n_3Mri says:

    looooooooooool MU’36AANEESOOO!!! yayib elyihdah! lol

  5. ibrahim says:

    7adik ma3ndik salfaa !!

    7adaa malee8 el video,

    if you find this funny then there is something wrong with you

  6. Me Blogging says:

    migh6aneesooo eytha7ik 🙂

  7. Yousef says:

    ibrahim I find it hilarious 🙂

  8. لووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووول

    صج صج لووووووووووووول

    اهم شي المغطانيس
    وبعدينو .. يعني مشكلها هههه

    يا حلو براءه اليهال

  9. NS says:

    hainaiya, ya3ni hni – aka huna, LOOL!!

  10. Mickey says:

    a7la shy no9n no9n loooooooooooooooool