

Key chain I hope this doesn't catch on with the guys 1

I know that big keychains are in among the girls, but girls do have big bags and stuff, and its part of their many other accessories that we don’t get. But we were pretty surprised to see a guy enter the diwaniya with such a big key chain! Look at the key at the end and how small it is by comparison! I even put a mobile phone and it still was dwarfed by that cable of a chain. I hope this doesn’t catch on with the guys..

On a more positive note, if you ever end up with such a key chain, you’ll sure never lose your keys again.


This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 11th, 2009 at 11:11 pm

7 Responses to “I hope this doesn’t catch on guys”

  1. Danderma says:

    i am so sorry to tell u this… but i have already seen men with medals this long… caught on khalas

  2. Ansam says:

    hahaha et7aty keychains! I see other things caught on which will make this keychain trend nothing 😛

  3. Yousef says:

    Danderma sij? I need to go out more 😛

    Ansam never saw any of those trends on someone I know 😛

  4. His says:

    I second ansam

    weird stuff catch on easily here.

  5. Katuka says:

    Trends gives the bearer the sense of being in sync with the hip and cool crowds. But in reality it lets us spot the weaker fools amongst us.

    So no I disagree with you, I hope it catches on I know if I’m dealing with a real man or not.

  6. Darkwing duck says:

    Looks gay.

  7. Marzouq says:

    Those are just ridiculous! They are really not functional, I don’t know how guys want to carry them, thats why girls have big bags!