

The Playstation's side effects kim sears andy murray tennish player

Andry Murray the internationally famous tennis player, ranked 4th in the world, has been dumped by his girlfriend, Kim Sears, and the reason: He plays way too much Playstation! up to seven hours a day.

Heads up guys o deerobalkom!


Thanks Taymoor


This entry was posted on Sunday, December 6th, 2009 at 5:43 pm

4 Responses to “The Playstation’s side effects”

  1. eleventh.st says:

    He should have been smarter and made her like playstation! lol at least she wont annoy him for playing too much

  2. Do I have a name ? says:

    he was playing Vgames THAT much BECAUSE -obviously- she was soooo fuxking boring.

  3. Wa6n_3Mri says:

    7hrs!!! hes probably addicted to Call of Duty! lol

  4. :::ShoSho::: says:

    LooooooL but I do hate playstation! Especially online playing I HATE ITTTTTT!!!!! Weeee33333 Brainwashing kids (including men coz they are big kids :P)