

Yeah I got a food poisinging from eating one of the tenderest meats ever at Meat Co. in Bahrain.

The food was great and the service was great. But then after going to sleep that night, I woke up with an equally great stomach pains, followed by lots of visits to the toilet and then a fever to end my weekend on a high note.

I went to the hospital and got a drip with 2 different medications and some pills. My other friends who ate with me in Meat company all had different orders, except this one friend, we ordered the same main course, it was dish was recommended by the waiter.

^This is the dish we had, taken from their online menu.

We paid 19 BD for a poisonous main course. Oh well atleast it tasted phenomenal.


This entry was posted on Sunday, January 17th, 2010 at 10:32 pm

18 Responses to “Food Poisoning at Bahrain’s Meat Co.”

  1. Ansam says:

    Oh I tried that dish in Dubai (http://ansam518.blogspot.com/2009/03/food-post-dubai.html) and I loved it… Salamaaaat bro o matshoof shar, ajer o 3afia inshalla and I hope you feel better by the time you read this!

  2. Danderma says:

    Salamat ma itshoof shar… maybe its because u like ur steak not well done?! el thaher they got the shipment of contaminated meat from Q8… :S

  3. Khalid says:

    Matshoof shar inshalah.. hope you get well soon..

  4. El Shahlab says:

    Food poisoning is the worst. I wouldn’t wish it to an enemy.
    The Meat Co is one of my favorite steak restaurants, but I usually go for the burger. Now I will be extremely cautious when I go there. I hope the venues in he UAE didn’t get a shipment of that spoiled meat.

    Cool blog.

    Get well.

  5. eleventh.st says:

    That sucks..especially lana it happened at Meat Co.

    salmaaat..matshooof shar inshalla

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  7. Entra-p-Noor says:

    My friend had the same thing at the same place in Kuwait !!!

  8. Mickey says:

    salamat matshof shar 🙁

    o ajer o 3afya enshalla

  9. FAH-Buzberry says:

    Salamat matshoof shar inshalaah

  10. ban1 says:

    eeeeeh walllllah alllah la ayeeeeb thak elyooom . 9eg kant 3ain 9aroooo7’ya

  11. BNDQ8 says:

    oohh!! GET WELL SOON!!! 🙁
    even i suffered bad case of food poisoning once i came back from my vaction in dec..

  12. Dee says:

    wee salamat! kha6aaak elsoo 🙂

  13. Yousef says:

    Thank you guys I’m better now thank God 🙂

  14. Marzouq says:

    Salamaat! I know that feeling of pain! I am suffering from it now! Its not nice at all!!! Really hits you hard!

  15. Yousef… we share something now! lucky you..

    i can’t believe u drove back .. i barely moved out of bed that day.. “obviously for the glorious toilet visits”

  16. JD Webb says:

    One of the best things about the blogging community is all the things people freely share. Thanks! 😀

  17. noor says:

    well,the people like talking too much,did enyone has a prouve that the poison comes from the restaurant???????????? did someone go to see what is the way to the meat untill is riching in the plate…special in Meat Co?! did someone has enough knolege about food an bevereges in the restaurants,special at the MEAT CO? Or just because we make drama? did someone knows that u can get the food poison today,and get the fever after 3 days ?? What about the water we drink at home,is it the chip one???enyways,hope no one will ever have this experience enymore,from eny reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!