

Finally we found it, it’s  back in our co-op, they brought it back! if you dont know what is Mazza Mango then the answer will be… the best mango juice in Kuwait.

Thanks INM


This entry was posted on Thursday, February 11th, 2010 at 11:33 pm

5 Responses to “Maaza Mango is Back!”

  1. Danderma says:

    I <3 Maaza mango juice! I can drink a whole sa7ara all by my self!
    but i think it is the 2nd best… KDD mango is the best 😀

  2. Mish says:

    olaa !!! mn wain m6al3aaa !! 8adeeee … ke7 ke7 … eeeeem !!!

  3. Ruby_GLoooM says:

    Yummy and ….. where is the old cap! elee u half open it it’s paper steel o ta7taa white rubber! kila ma kint agdar aba6la all the way, o aroo7 7g oboy eba6elli eyah,,, yeah i was a small kid!

  4. Frankom says:

    Athker kint ashrab 4 belyom 🙂

  5. q8life says:

    Maaza is an excellent Indian mango drink. Nothing compares.
