

He enrolled in business school aged 96 and graduated this year, aged 99.

“Education has no end,” he told CNN. “As far as your brain can work alright, your eyes can see alright, and your ears can hear alright, if you go to school you can learn.”

Thats what I call will power!




This entry was posted on Sunday, April 4th, 2010 at 9:13 pm

4 Responses to “99 year old University Graduate!”

  1. Alondra says:

    Sub7an allah,,, etha fe eradah mako shy yogaf bwayh el ensan

  2. Patti says:

    What a great accomplishment! The world could use more men like this man

  3. Marzouq says:

    always fun to see people like that!

  4. Dalal says:

    woooow mashallah..3afya 3alaih 🙂