

What a record! They served 117 cars in Mcdonald’s Bnaider in one hour. Thats 2 cars a minute!


This entry was posted on Sunday, April 11th, 2010 at 12:31 am

8 Responses to “McDonald’s Bnaider Drive Thru Record”

  1. Mr. Anonymous says:

    I think they meant 117 cars in the whole day. The peak hour was from 2-3. Look @ today’s goal: hourly cars = 20, daily cars = 215 which supports my theory. What do you think?

  2. Huda says:

    Woooww thats very impressive!
    mcdonalds bnainder lazzeemmm nakil mena every weekend bl shalaih wala it would feel weird! But it gets annoying how crowded it is with guys along with starbux jlai3a….its fully packed 24/thursay-saturday

  3. Touché says:

    Good record but still far from South Surra McDonald, I think their record is 150 cars.

    I wonder who is the ultimate record holder

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by fastfoodjunky, somecontrast. somecontrast said: McDonald's Bnaider Drive Thru Record « SOME contrast: What a record! They served 117 cars in Mcdonald's Bnaider in… http://bit.ly/bWuqMf […]

  5. Ms Botamba says:

    WOW Mashallah 🙂

  6. nadia says:

    and ppl wonder y we keep gaining wait and not losing it!!

    its coz u those damn fast food restaurants in every block in this country..not fair!! ppl have goals of losing weight and they make it very difficult!

  7. Marzouq says:

    Their numbers are insane! They really do serve a lot of people! I like how they made this the motivation for people!

  8. sir fire ki says:

    try leamington spa drive thrus record of 175 in 1 hour