So this guy wants to convert to Islam, he studied the religion, he did his homework, and he was ready. But He needed a sign from God.
One summer night he sat in his room, lit a candle, opened the window, basically set the mood. He started reading the Quran, but then stopped and said: “this is it.” God, please show me a sign, I’m ready to convert, just show me a sign. any sign would suffice, He made himself ready to witness a sign and waited, in his room, the quern between his hands, he just waited for sign to happen right then. But nothing had happened. He tried again, pleaded a little bit more with God to provide a sign, any sign, and waited. Again nothing happened.
In his words “I was really disappointed, I was gutted, I was sitting there thinking this is it, this is my last chance, Islam, and I really haven’t found it.”
Disappointedly he went back to reading the Quran.. and then it happened. The very next verse read “For those of you who ask for signs, have we not shown you enough already, look around you, look at the stars, look at the sun, look at water, these are the signs for people of knowledge.”
Watch the video in which the guy tells his story. He’s a funny guy and his way of explaining his conversion to Islam is even funnier!
Thanks Q8Alo