Six ships with 700 people from 50 nationalities carrying aids to Gaza were intercepted and attacked by the Israeli troops. The attack resulted in many deaths and injuries.
Kuwaitis were on one of the ships in hopes to deliver the aids themselves, but couldn’t, are now held in Israel. The Emir of Kuwait has ordered a plane to be prepared to bring them back as soon as they’re released.
This is a list of the Kuwaitis who were onboard that ship (Apologies if there is any mistake in the list):
- هيا الشطي
- سندس العبدالجادر
- وائل العبدالجادر
- صلاح الجارالله
- سنان الأحمد
- عبدالرحمن الخراز
- عبدالرحمن الفيلكاوي
- صلاح المهيني
- د. أسامة الكنري
- عبدالله الابراهيم
- مريم لقمان
- أحمد لقمان
- د.وليد الطبطبائي
- نجوة العمار
- د.وليد العوضي
- منى ششتر
- مبارك المطوع
Allah yraje3hom belsalama inshallah. We’re proud of every single one of them.