
In world best countries, I dont know if its a good rank or not but they measure it based on Education, Health, Quality of life, Economics and Political environment. The good news is we’re ranked first among arabian countries on the list. LINK

Johnny Depp is filimg the fourth installment of Pirates of the Caribbean (yes!), in the south east of london. He received a letter from a lucky little girl, 9 years old Beatrice, in primary school in Greenwich saying she wanted to arrange a mutiny against the teachers and needed help from Captain Jack Sparrow himself.
Johnny Depp decided to respond to the letter in person, and visit the girl in her school. The visit was unannounced until 10 minutes ahead of arrival, and lasted a good 15 minutes. He arrived in character, with make up, wardrobe and all.
How cool is that?
Watch the video

Just got this piece of info that soon Ribs & Rumps will be opening up a branch here in Kuwait but not yet decided if it will be in the Avenues mall or 360 mall.
Thanks INM

I love Friends and love everything about it. I landed on a wesbsite that had pictures of some of the show’s mistakes. Great find if you’re a fan. Watch the rest here

There is a football court being built in AlZour. I think it’s one of those little football fields you rent by the hour/game. It’s right across the street from Sultan Center. And looks like it’ll be done and ready soon.
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I’ve been inspired by Mishary’s posts about mobile’s best prices. I’ve done some research and this is what I’ve got for Kuwait. The newest iPod touch prices are as listed below:

So far, in Kuwait, the best deal would be found at We-Sell-Them.com Kuwaiti online store. They have the best prices and Free Same-day delivery.
If you know of any better deal in Kuwiat, let us know.
Note: I couldn’t get any info from Eureka coz their employee seemed to have no clue whatsoever. And Digits are expecting them within 2 weeks.

Just got an email from Aramex saying they’ve changed their working hours to 8:30 am to 9:00 pm, in one go. I like the new flexibility in schedule. Good move Aramex!
UPDATE: It seems they got the same timing but now they made Friday off for them.

Liveview by Sony Ericsson, is a tiny little thing you put on your desk, and it’ll sync with you mobile, facebook, twitter, and so on. It’ll display messages, tweets, calendar and what not. It hasn’t been priced, yet.
From The Sun:
“Basically, it’s a receiver that hooks up to your handset via Bluetooth and displays information on the screen.
Why, you may well ask.
Sony Ericsson says it allows people more freedom because they don’t need to keep checking their phone’s display.
This little gizmo will show the latest Facebook and Twitter updates, calendar information and text messages.
You can also see who is calling.”
To Sony Ericsson: You may have missed this, but my mobile doesn’t look like this, and it’s on my desk right now and it does all that already. Or am I missing something?

AN Australian inventor has taken out one of the world’s most prestigious design awards with a bazooka that saves lives, rather than claims them.
He won for his modified Bazooka, which shoots a tablet that inflates the moment it touches water into a life saving foam unit. There shouldn’t be any concerns when it comes to debris or sharp stuff, coz this unit is made of expandable foam.
Click to watch video & more pics

غيب الموت فجر اليوم شيخ الكتاب، الأستاذ المحامي محمد مساعد الصالح بعد معاناة مع المرض عن عمر يناهز السادسة والسبعين، وكان الراحل قد أدخل المستشفى الأميري الأسبوع الماضي وبقيت حالته حرجة بالعناية المركزة، وسيوارى جثمانه الثرى عصر اليوم بمقبرة الصليبيخات كما ستقام مراسم العزاء بديوانية الجناعات بمنطقة الشويخ.
Source via Frankom

October 6, 2010 Dubai: Zain, the leading mobile telecom network provider in the Middle East, won for the second year in a row, the award for the ‘Best Brand’ at the 4th Annual Telecoms World Awards, Middle East held in Dubai and organized by Terrapinn. Zain’s mobile operation in Jordan was also rewarded by taking the Best Arabic Application prize.
In presenting the Best Brand award to Zain Group the six member judging panel commented, “Within just three years of its launch, Zain has not only created a compelling brand for its products or services in one or more branches of the media, but it has raised brand awareness that has made a positive impact on the company’s market share, valuation and bottom line. With ‘A wonderful world’ slogan and core values of Heart, Radiance and Belonging, Zain is a brand that has caught the imagination of the whole region and perfectly reflects the aspirations and thinking of its customers and the telecom industry at large.”
Read the rest here

Male model Brad Koenig walked the Spring 2011 Chanel show with his 2-year-old.


I’ve been in love with Vaja Cases company for a long time. The company specializes in mobile cases, like Blackberry, iPhone, and even Ipad cases. Almost 2 months ago they announced that they’re ready to for the iPhone 4, so I went ahead and made my combination; I like dark gray and red, and placed my order. I had to wait for 45 days for the process. A couple of days ago it arrived via Fedex (I paid KD10.5 for customs and clearance). Check the whole unboxing through the link below.
Read the rest of this entry »

Times square failed bomber was a Muslim. They can’t seem to stress that enough, everwhere, the bomber was a Pakistani Muslim. A Muslim. They have the worst intetions, some of those papers. So Biased. Here is why I think some are biased:
A Pakistani Muslim was behind the failed plot to bomb Times Square, and a Senegal Muslim was the first to report the smoking car, which contained the bombs, to the police, and helped stop the the whole thing.
Now guess which Muslim isn’t going to be mentioned nor given credit for helping the police on the media?
I hate that Bad Muslims always win the fights against the Good Muslims, and get to bask in the limelight of biased media.
Anyway here is a little interview they did with the Senegali Guy who helped the police, he’s a simple man with simple english. It’s an interesting read. Read the rest of this entry »

Two major newspapers covered the exact same event: Welcoming back our Kuwaiti National Football Team (reserves).
AlRai wrote that there was no proper attendance by the officials, nor the football fans, and most of the people gathered at the airport welcoming the players back, were actually the players’s families.

AlRai Newspaper:
لم يحظ لاعبو منتخب الكويت الرديف لكرة القدم بطل دورة غرب اسيا بالاستقبال اللائق عقب عودته للبلاد ظهر يوم امس رغم عودته الى سلك درب الالقاب بعد ان حاد عنه لمدة 12 عاما وتحديدا منذ فوزه بلقب بطولة كأس الخليج الرابعة عشرة في البحرين عام 1998، حيث لم يشارك في الاستقبال سوى نائب مدير الهيئة العامة للشباب والرياضة جاسم يعقوب و نائب رئيس اتحاد كرة القدم (غير الشرعي) هايف المطيري و الشاعر الشيخ دعيج الخليفة و رجل الاعمال وليد الجاسم و جماهير قليلة اغلبها من ذوي اللاعبين.
AlWatan on the other hand had a completely different experience and reporting. They thought that our national football team got an unprecedented reception, something Kuwait haven’t witness nor known before yesterday’s event. All the officials, fans , ect.. were there.

AlWatan Newspaper:
شهد مطار الكويت الدولي ظهر امس استقبالا لم يسبق له مثيل لابطال الازرق الرديف عقب عودته الى البلاد قادما من العاصمة الاردنية عمان بعد ان حقق انجازا كبيرا بفوزه بكأس غرب آسيا السادسة على حساب المنتخب الايراني صاحب الصولات والجولات في هذه البطولة.
وكانت قاعة التشريفات قد اكتظت بكبار المسؤولين عن الرياضة يتقدمهم عضوا الهيئة العامة للشباب والرياضة محمد المسعود وجاسم يعقوب وامين سر اللجنة الاولمبية عبيد زايد ونائب رئيس اتحاد الكرة هايف الديحاني وسكرتير عام الاتحاد سهو السهو والاعضاء مانع الحيان وطلال المعصب وجماهير غفيرة غصت بهم الشوارع المؤدية الى المطار واستقبلت تلك الجماهير ابطال الازرق بالاحضان والورود والاهازيج وحملت بعض اللاعبين على الاكتاف تقديرا للانجاز الذي حققوه كما قام الاتحاد بتنظيم حفل مميز صاحبته اغان وطنية واهازيج شعبية اعادت للاذهان العصر الذهبي للكرة الكويتية.
You can’t have 180 degrees different opinions about an attendance of an event. What do you think?
Thanks Mohammed

I have 2 games that are totally addictive, I mean seriously, I’m rediculously addicted to those 2 games that I couldn’t help but promote to every friend with an iPhone or iPad. Though I think games at 666casino are so much fun to play and in fact allow its players to win real money, we a re not talking about it today. Make sure to only use approved gambling sites when playing online. Apart from the Best singapore online casino, you should not consider other sites. I’m recommending them to you now.
Bees VS Ants

You’re a swarm of bees, you have your castles, but you’re greedy and evil, you’re an evil bee (it’s cute already), so you need to invade the ants territories and take over their castles. Everything happens real fast, it’s kill or get killed. You’ll love it. Also you will love playing at daisyslots.com, many online casino games that you like awaits you. play your favorite classic casino games and relax.
Crystal War

This one reminds me of old AMEGA games, it’s 2D and it’s a war game. Your commander is on the far left, sending your troops over to theirs, to kill their way till you reach their commander and take him down. It’s simple. Low on graphics but addictive. I’m taking a break from this one coz I think I overplayed it a bit. There are other type of games like these, check the best ones at mp1st.com.
If you’re a MOBA gamer then get your league smurfs for a better ranked gaming experience at UnrankedSmurfs. These 2 are addictive so be warned. While we’re on the subject. If you prefer playing MMOs like RuneScape but want to skip all the time-consuming grinding and get straight to playing with the items you want, you can buy osrs gold in this website. I’m almost done with those 2.. Do you have any really good iPhone games?

We were sent a package of pretzels by the nice people over at Auntie Anne’s for dinner. We went for tuesday coz thats when we have our family gathering at our home. It arrived around 7:30pm, which was perfect. it was hot and smelled wonderful. I was almost too hesitant to wait for the dinner to be served coz the smell was that good.
Anyway. We were sent the following:
Original Pretzels.
Cinnamon Sugar Pretzels.
Cheese Stix.
Mini Dog Pretzels.
3 Kinds of Dips.
2 Kinds of Lemonade mixers.
Read the rest of this entry »

Pizza Hut promises that if you get your pizza and the Hot Dot does not say Hot, your next pizza is for free. Let’s see how it works out the next time I receive a tepid Pizza.

Who is Tommy Mottola?
Well he first and foremost, is Mariah Carey’s ex husband, this is the most interesting part of this person’s life as far as I’m concerned. But he is also many other things.
Once uppon a time he was the most powerful man in the music industry. He was the head of Sony’s music devision back in the late 1980’s till beginning of the 2000’s. He helped and/or discovered, developed,, raised to stardom, expanded, the following artists:
- Mariah Carey
- Ricky Martin
- Shakira
- Jennifer Lopez
- Jessica Simpson
- Diana Ross
- Beyonce
- Marc Anthony
- Gloria Estefan
- Celine Dion
He is, as reports have suggested, connected with the Mafia, connected (had power over) with all the radio networks back in his heydays, and was the most influential man in the music industry, when the music industry was as big as the universe that is. The man had it all, and somehow lost it all, his powers I mean, not his wealth, coz he still is wealthy as hell.
Get this: He made SONY $1,000,000,000 richer with Mariah Carey alone. Celine have sold as much as Mariah.. 3alaikom le7sab.
He is the kind of guy that you can’t help but be disgusted and inspired by all at once! He is writing his memoirs. Lots of warms are going to crawl out of that piece of valuable writings, and I can’t wait to turn it’s pages!

Wataniya Airline just announced that they downgraded their first class cabin to business class, so you will feel the price drop in that class significantly, moreover I’ve got an info that they will be adding new destinations to their current ones in the coming days and one of them is London.