If you’re one of Grendizer or Kabamaro’s fans I think you are going to like this video since these are the men behind the voices 🙂



Simply I LOVE THE IDEA! its a new way to learn math: 70% milk + 20% dark + 10% white chocolate = 100% Hum Hummm 😛

Want it? Click HERE to order it, it gonna cost you around KD 5.5

Thanks Ahmad




Can’t live with this !

Posted by BlackBerry BOLD





Guys what do you think of this ? what is it ?

P.S. From now i can say they are not tablets 🙂


Yes, its towel! 🙂

And once you’ve added some water drops it get expanded.

Its a real towel 🙂


Me and Yousef wish you all the best for the upcoming year, and Guys its also Yousef’s birthday! Yes he’s a lucky guy his birthday is on 1/1 ! 🙂



Yes, it will be opening soon in Mishref near Al-yarmouk studium.


Its available in every Zain branch starting today for KD195. It supports arabic and also comes with arabic keyboard.

Thanks Ahmad



Just Spotted this on Vaja’s web site, so it means its coming VERY soon.

You can check it out by yourself by clicking HERE


Yesterday my father brought us some double yolked eggs and it was the first time I see them, they were huge!

I managed to crack the egg and take a peek at the two yolks.

The eggs fate was decided by Mom.. thats why they ended up contributing to her sub algafshas (kuwaiti dessert). 😛




Jelaaaas Means Cup and Feeeels means Fils 🙂

Thanks INM




Who’s the winner in this case? 😛


Wataniya just announced that if you’re calling anyone within Wataniya’s network ( i mean Wataniya to Wataniya) it will be free of charges. which is similar to Viva’s.


It seems its a rumor and the real one is something called  WPro-Voice which is Free calls among colleagues which is one of the tools for business.

Thanks Ansam


I just ate like 4 or 5 cookies (the ones above) from Fudz and while eating them I was asking my self which one is the best cookies in Kuwait? so far I ended up with Fudz’s and choowy goowy’s .. and want to know which is your favorite guys?


To view the rest of the pictures click the link below.

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I was reading Buzberry’s blog and found out a spy photos of the upcoming Nissan Patrol (semi Land Cruiser) which will be released soon. I don’t think its the best time for the people to be released these days since most the people are out of cash 🙂 .. for more pictures click below. 

Update: It seems Mark also posted about it.




Yesterday Me & friends decided to have a BBQ night at my place so me and Ali headed to butchers street in Hawalli. We ordered and picked the raw meat and went back home, started at 8:00 and were done around 1:00 pm. Will keep you with the pics and if you want the butcher’s number i can give it to you if you want. We liked the meat and his seasoning (Tatbelaa).

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It’ll start it’s operations in Jan 2009 with one destination which is Dubai.

Posted by BlackBerry BOLD


Orange announced that the iPhone 3G are in stores now in Jordan. For the details and info about the contracts click below.

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I first read about the new Burger king sliders (mini burgers) from Mark and decided to try them out today. Let me tell you that I was disgusted when I opened the box and took a closer look at the “sliders.”

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Just move your mouse around him and watch how he will react 🙂


Thanks INM