Its really cool, i wonder where this is?

Thanks Ali


For those who are waiting for the X1, i think the wait is over SE announce today that 30 September 2008 as the official launch date for the Xperia X1 and they mention Kuwait with the countries that will get this item, here are the countries:

List of included countries as follow

  • APAC: Indonesia, Singapore, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam
  • Western Europe: Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands, Austria, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Portugal
  • Central Europe: Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic
  • Middle East: UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait
  • Africa: South Africa
  • Latin America: Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia



After reading the comments in my previous post and found out that the best malts in country is HOLSTEN i decided to order some so i went ahead and ordered the mango and grenadine flavors which are my favorites. You can order by phone by calling 2455041, 2405408 and 2445853.

P.S.: After uploading the picture it looked weird it reminds me of somthing similar of, how do you say it in english? (Kabsaat sher6aa 3alabaya3een khomoor) looks like one of those pictures in newspapers when the police capture an illegal shipment of alcohol, doesn’t it? ๐Ÿ™‚




The picture says it, “Search 121,617,892,992 web pages” its a new search engine.

Check it out


I managed to get my BOLD to support the arabic font, if you’re interested you can buy the file HERE. It gonna cost you around KD 2.750.




The photos should tell the story, YES FINALLY the long awaited Blackberry BOLD is here, I received it today from Aramex (no more USWS).

Its branded with the Canadian Rogers Network but i got it unlocked! ๐Ÿ™‚

Read the rest of this entry »




Its perfect, you can see the whole Paris city by just dragging your mouse right or left, you can even zoom on each item or building you want.



I’m new to the non alcoholic beers (malts) world, Ali was recommending and insisting on drinking this HOLSTEN (grenadine flavor) So my first try was couple of days ago and once i have drank it esara7a i couldn’t resist it! its SO DELESIOUS! it remind me of Shani.

My question is, Since im new in this world any of you guys have tried anything better? Can anyone recomend any other brand?

P.S.: i took these pictures with my mini studio. ๐Ÿ™‚


I was reading Buzberry’s blog and found this video there, all that I can say is AMAZING! I want this tune to be my mobile ringtone.

Please if you have it on mp3 send it to me.


Here is the mp3 file for the video above, Click HERE to download it.

Thanks to our loyal reader Abid




Just found out this site which is specialized in swimwear, but wait! its muslim swimwear .. if you want to order one of them it will cost you around KD25 without shipping.


Thanks INM


We’ve just added a poll, you can see it on the right side bar. We’re going to start a new poll every week for you to vote, starting today. ๐Ÿ™‚

This week’s question got to do with Ramadan. Which Ramadan dish is your favorite?

The poll acts weird on Safari and some mobile phones. We’ll see what we can do about that soon inshallah.


Who copied from whom? who came up with it first? I don’t get it. all I know is that they are almost identical!




Apple will hold an event on the 9th of this month, it will be probably mainly for the mini ipods, but who knows maybe they’re gonna introduce the new tablet ๐Ÿ™‚ 9K2HN stay tuned coz i think ena alah hadaak o elfal lekhwanek inshallah ๐Ÿ™‚


UPDATE: it seems that im a bit outdated, coz there are no ipod minis for couple of years now, I guess I meant to say ipods nano. Thanks Kha for the correction ๐Ÿ™‚




If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, the dots will remain only one color, pink. However if you stare at the black ” +” in the centre, the moving dot turns to green. Now, concentrate on the black ” + ” in the centre of the picture. After a short period, all the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you will only see only a single green dot rotating.

It’s amazing how our brain works. There really is no green dot , and the pink ones really don’t disappear. This should be proof enough, we don’t always see what we think we see.


Since we’re in day 1 of Ramadan, HNM wants to share this TV shows/programs table which she made especially for the Kuwaiti/Khaleeji shows (men kethorhoom man7afeth). The programs start from 4:30PM all the way to 1:30AM.

P.S.: These aren’t ALL the shows, These are the ones she’s intersted in alone.. Allah e3enaa benshoof kel hathaaa ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway thanks to HNM




Its official after tomorrow will be the first day of Ramadan inshalah

Posted by BlackBerry 8320




ย Today me and my wife wereย at villa moda for their sale, we were
expecting lots of people and the place to be packed. The place was not that crowded as
it normally would with any sale. We were expecting a huge queue (maybe because we
were their at 3:00 PM) anyway I recommend itย toย you guys go and take a look.

Posted by BlackBerry 8320


The other day Abdullah was in Bayan Co-Op and he found this, i wont say more about it, but do they think we are that dump?! me7na zaydeen las3aar bas ha ?! benqalel el kameya! (The price stays the same but the amount is less.)

Can anyone explain this?

I’ll keep you with the rest of the pics.

Read the rest of this entry »


In the past 4 days my internet was SO SLOW! I cant even write a post. So as usual I called 107 and they kept me waiting for almost 20 min. Ok o ba3dain ?! what do you think the solution was? Take your sim card from the router, restart it and wait 10 mins. (( for those who dont know Zain’s its a normal procedure with ANY PROBLEM)) So, I waited 10 min with no sucsses. I called again and made a complaint. Until now the problem isn’t solved. And the guys there keep sayin ‘Zain Thanks Your Call!’ thanks for what?! Don’t thank me! solve my problem! Sij I’m annoyed at them!


Even with the food there is Bado and 7athar ? ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks Om MiMi!