Yes, it just begun! want some? 🙂


I was supposed to be back today from my short trip to Oman, but since I finished work earlier than expected I decided to cut it short and be back a day earlier. I didn’t tell anyone that I’d be home earlier, and I did manage to surprise them all. When I came into the living room, my wife was there, and she was not expecting me at all. After the salams, She was started acting all weird and started shoving me toward out of the living room to another room, that was weird so I asked her “whats going on!” and she said “Nothing!” I didn’t know anything about it till I went to get a glass of water and saw gift boxes on the dining table, being wrapped, and the whole table was messy from all the gift wrapping paper and stuff.

When I saw the gift, I got excited, but still didn’t know it was for ME! and I asked her whom is the gift for? and she said “You, it was supposed to be ur birthday gift.” My birthday is in september.. so she said that I can have the gift now, but this is it!

Thanks Ahmad for Conspiring with your sister, again. You both got me an amazing gift. 🙂


Just got an sms from Ahmad telling me Sultan Center Souq Sharq is closed because they had a fire!

Can anyone confirm it? Got any pictures to show us?

Thanks Ahmad

UPDATE: just got the picture from Ahmad.




I’m in the plane coming back home. Everything is going back to normal.. no more posting from my Blackberry.

Posted by BlackBerry 8320




Yesterday I was buying some stuff for my wife in Muscat’s SEPHORA and the sellers told me that it will open soon in Kuwait and he specified in avenues without me telling him the mall’s name! Lay hal daraja mash’hoor el Avenues? 🙂

Posted by BlackBerry 8320


I know I’m still in Muscat but that doesn’t prevent me from posting about whats happening in Kuwait : ), Back to subject, Yes Al-Ostoura has just now opened in the Avenues phase II.

Thanks INM.

Posted by BlackBerry 8320






We’re heading to Nizwa now and yes its confirmed by our driver that Nizwa is derat el se7er! (the city of black magic).
And he told us to eat before we went there due to el se7er or something else… Anyway thanks to Labeba for telling me about it before I go 🙂

P.S: its raining now 🙂

Posted by BlackBerry 8320




I’m in the second plane right now waiting to take off to Muscat. I was thinking that Qatar airport was a little bit bigger, but still its better than ours.

Posted by BlackBerry 8320


Today at 4:00PM i will be leaving Kuwait inshalla heading to Muscat for a work related trip, actually the day before yesterday i was told to pack and travel to Muscat, i will be staying 1 night in Muscat then i will go to a small town called Nizwa, This is my first time to visit Oman so I’m wondering what it will look like? what shocked me that there is no direct rout from Kuwait to Muscat! walah fashlah! I even checked with my miles booking to see if I can get a flight but no! Any way Dubai will always be there and my transit will be through Dubai and i will stay in Oman around a week inshallah and i hope to be able to post from there.


Since my Macbook Pro is going crazy these days im thinking of gettin a new MB but i want it to be smaller than mine (mine is the 15.4″) so the only option is gettin the Air, but my question, Is it the correct time to buy the Air now? or wait? is there any annoucement soon? Does it worth KD470? i know its SEXY but you know is it a heavy duty machine? i want it to be my main laptop.


Today i came cross this and find it very useful (regardless ena elawe3 el chabd) but i think its still good idea since winter is coming and i think this will be a good deal for camping. Would this count as a composting toilet? Well, not quite but it gets close!

No need for a real setup for it just a couple of steps and voila! It going to cost you around KD 9 if you still interested you can order it from HERE.




i love what Zain is doing in the past 2 years which is targeting the whole world, they want to expand as fast as they can! which is obviously amazing! this is their new ad which is pretty good too, Sara7a i loved their previous ads.

More over if any one want to put this as a ring tune for his/her mobile i just uploaded it so you can download it directly through our site.

Click to download

Thanks Ahmad.




Emirates is ready to establish their new route from Dubai to New York very soon, ofcourse with the new double decked airplane, the A380. Here is more about it:

“Emirates was quick to recognise the potential of Airbus’ revolutionary design when it was first introduced in April 2000, and was the first airline to place an order – and is now by far the biggest single A380 operator, with 58 new aircraft due to join the Emirates fleet.

When the Emirates A380-800 makes its maiden passenger-carrying flight, we will for the first time be able to transport more than 500 passengers in a single aircraft, with the same levels of comfort and service that has made us the world’s fastest-growing airline.”


Thanks INM




Posted By Mishary


I think this is amazing! This spray easily removes wrinkles from most cotton, linen, wool, satin, rayon, and other colorfast natural fabrics and will not stain when used as directed. It’s simple and convenient to use – even on clothes you’re wearing.

It works like this: With clean hands, pull the wrinkled area taut and spray generously in a circular motion; wait ten seconds, the pull the fabric taut again and smooth away wrinkles with your free hand.

(makhlas el 7achy etha inta mesta3yel o deshdashtek mo makweya aw ghetretek resh 3alaihom o malek sheghel bel bajy 😛 )

It gonna cost you around KD 1.5 if you’re intersted just click HERE.



Yes we grow Mango trees as well and now they are ready to be eaten! 😛 remember when i told you guys that we’ve got mango in our house? now they are (nethaaw). We have enough dates to fill 10 fridges, grapes and mangos, A couple more fruit trees and we won’t need to go to the fruits sections in supermarkets 😛

Thanks INM for covering this from A to Z 😛


Remember my last post regarding the cheap flowers that covers the whole Marina mall recently? Azedkom men elshe3er bait they r adding now birds cages!

Posted by BlackBerry 8320


This video shows the mobile revolution since 1985 till 2008, i remmembered some of the mobiles which i was in love with before but when i looked at them now mesakeeen e6la3aw efashlooon 😛


I was shocked to see that our chalet produced grapes! Me, Ali and some other friends found the grapes (pictured above) and Ali was the only one who tasted it. 🙂


This is simply AMAZING!

just click HERE and make sure that your browser is not maximized.

Thanks INM & 9K2HN


Just found out that there will be a second “ma7masa” in our co-op which will be opened in a couple of days.

Thanks INM