Today i was checking ebay for an unlocked 3G iPhone, gelt yomken algah shay, and i was shocked that there is more than one! and you can choose if u want a white or black one. HERE is an example of what i found. i did some search and came up that in Italy there is a law that obliged Apple to legally unlock their iPhones. You can read more about it HERE. But guess what it gonna cost you.. KD370 for a legal unlocked iPhone πŸ™‚




Few weeks ago, INM went to Abyaat which was newly opened at that time, for those of you who dont know Abyaat, its an A – Z house items such as Kitchen & Dining, Furniture & DΓ©cor, Bedding & Bath, Home Appliances, Vacuums & Storage, Home Improvement, Patio and Lawn & Garden.

i will keep you now with some pics:

Read the rest of this entry »


Yes, from now on no need to buy it, you can watch the full thing online with weekly updates.

Click HERE to view it.

Thanks to Om MiMi !




Yesterday me, wife and 9K2HN went for lunch in Wasabi albede3 and I found out that they built a new private rooms with these style, I remember back when I was in Tokyo I used to eat on these style tables but the ONLY difference was that we sat on our knees “kanaat tethba7 men el 3awaar!” But with the Kuwaiti modifications they solved this problem by diggin the ground and adding some space to set as similar feel as sitting on a normal chair. ya3jebny el Kuwaiti thinking for satisfying their customers πŸ™‚ (el fekra kanat ena teg3ad 3ala erkabek o takel bs 3endena NO aham shay ra7at el 3ameel wohwa yakel!) πŸ™‚

Posted by BlackBerry 8320


What can i say more ? πŸ˜›


This is rumored to be a part of a new Louis Vuitton line of luxury disposable goods! πŸ˜›

Thanks Ahmad




Β Β 



Just got this by email and it shows the next phase of the expansion for Mecca. Sij they r doing a great job.

Thanks INM




Today when I wake up in the morning I found this sms:


Now the spams are in the sms’s world too?! I thought it was only emails.

Posted by BlackBerry 8320




i like these gadgets! Since we’re in the summer and vacation season and most of us are travailing out side the country i think this will help you a lot! πŸ™‚

It’s a highly portable solution for those of us who are often only running building to transport – or just need to make it to the nearest shelter/coffee shop/happy hour with appearance intact.


Yes, Dubai seems to have entered the completion part which is the final phase of the project .. A7eb el nas el gool o fe3el.


No comment.

Thanks Om MiMi !



Yes, Kinder changed their little boy (i think he’s grown up πŸ™‚ ).

ThanksΒ Om MiMi !

Edit:Β An annoying person just told me that this is old news, but i’ve already wrote the post and i don’t feel like deleting it. πŸ˜›


Today we received packages from Amazon and we found out that one of the packages contain this. I liked the idea. it basically says that if you have any old phone and you want to get rid of it just send it to them and they’re gonna forward it to the US soldiers so that they can call their families.

Here are the instructions above. If you want to send yours let me know first πŸ˜‰

Thanks ANM




Guys Have anyone noticed this medal in Kuwait? It suddenly is in every car here. I think its a new fad (Habba), i did some search and learned that Its from Swarovski and the price is around KD40.

Thanks Ali.


Its really amazing what this woman can do to change her look 180 degree. check them all out.. BTW there are more than 20 looks πŸ˜›

Read the rest of this entry »




Just wanted to mention that Ajmal just opened in Mishref’s Co-Op.

Thanks INM


This is my favorite Chocolat Viennois in Kuwait I used to drink it in swiss, thanks to my wife she was the one who introduced me to it. The problem with this order is the availability, its only available in Paul Avenues, whenever I order it in Marina Mall’s branch they mix the cream with the hot chocolate and bring them as one cup. Which will be a traditional hot chocolate,I recommend trying it.

Posted by BlackBerry 8320


Just imagin yourself in her place. Its scary to death!


Since Ramadan is getting closer and i know there will be tons of kuwaiti series and talk shows, i think I’ll need something like a media center for me which is capable of:

  • Recording directly from a reciever or DVD player.
  • Can watch YouTube with it <- (MUST coz my wife is a BIG fan of YouTube πŸ™‚ ).
  • Built in hard drive.
  • Can work with Mac.
  • WiFi – G or N doesn’t matter.

A little search in Amazon plus Google ended up with:

Can anyone help me with it? can anyone find one with all the features above?


INM just got his Archos TV+ I just bought it from INM ((sharaita 3ala kharaba πŸ˜› )) and it seems its nearly perfect device, it got HD, YouTube, and many more. im thinking of getting one. BTW i will make a review of it.




I found out today that Al-Qabas newspaper has redesign their web site.

Click HERE to see the new design.