Today me, my wife with 9K2HN and his wife were having lunch at Paul we noticed some CHEAP decorative plastic flowers which were hanging all over the place, bs aby a3aref ako a7ad thoqa chethy in 2008?

Posted by BlackBerry 8320




Just got this by email and i thought its useful to share it with you guys, it shows around 15 types which are cool.

Anyway thanks Ahmad

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From now on u will not search for ur remote again! with this stand you can locate it by just pushing a button. It also provides a drink holder. You can get yours for right around KD16.

Click HERE to buy one.




Yes, we had a mini twister here in Kuwait! This mini twister was around 10 meters long and 2 meter diameter.

Here is a better video

Ali caught it when he was near Boubyan island in north kuwait.

Thanks Ali.


Anyone noticed whats wrong? 😛

Thanks INM


Finally! they are accepting online payments. This what i’ve got from Ahmad:

“Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for using our SHOP&SHIP service. Our aim is to continuously enhance your shopping experience with us.

We are about to launch a new feature on which would allow you to make online payments for your shipping charges. We would like to offer this feature first to our VIP clients in order to eliminate delays in delivery due to cash unavailability.

We hope that this new feature will be to your satisfaction, and we welcome your feedback on the service.

We want to assure you that our most important objective is to continue providing you with quality transportation services that meet your needs effectively.”

i think now i can say Bye Bye USWS 😛

Thanks Ahmad


its worth ONLY KD27,000 .. Ya balash walla 🙂

From their site:

“The exceptionally stunning saree is meticulously woven with 12 precious stones and metals to depict 11 of Raja Ravi Verma’s popular paintings. Explicitly projected is ‘Lady Musicians’, one of the painter’s very famous works that displays women belonging to diverse cultural backgrounds.”

For more info click HERE.

Thanks Ahmad


Remember my post regarding Crêpe Café soon will be opening in Kuwait, Well few days ago ANM sent me this pic which shows that it will be open soon in the Avenues phase II, i think i guessed it right! 😛

Thanks ANM


I think this is a good idea to get your car serviced and repaired while you’re at home, work or even somewhere else remote. Good idea.

I liked the idea esara7a i think I’m gonna give them a try.


Zain have reduced their MMS and Video call prices, they’re 50 Fils/MMS and 45 Fils/min for video calls now, however, the calls should be within Zain’s network. I think they are still highly priced.


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Just found out that VERSACE has just opened in the Avenues.

Thanks INM


Yesterday INM & ANM were in the Avenues and they found out that another Johnny Rockets has opened in the Avenues mall, in phase two, Its upstairs in the food court.

Even Applebee’s opened there. I’m wondering now what about phase three, will there be a JR III? 😛

Thanks ANM & INM




Remember my post about which car should I rent for my driver? Most of you said to go with the Nissan Altima, so after reading your comments i went ahead to A’ayan and rented it for 2 years with an offer of KD99 initial deposit (it was KD250 before) and a monthly payment of KD125. Today me and INM went to Al-Babtain and picked up it. I can say from the first ride it was so smooth! thanks guys for helping me decide.

When we were there we noticed also a Nissan GT-R in red color they are selling it for around KD30,000.

Thank you dear readers for helping me out this time. 🙂




After moving our blog to now me and Yousef have the full advantage of our blog, so now we’re thinking of redesigning our blog in a professional way (we don’t like these downloadable themes) we want our blog to reflect our personality, So does anyone know a good company/person that do these graphical designs? and one more thing guys we want from you to gives us some ideas?!




I found the wheeled foot rest very cool since all of the conventional one are fixed but this one got wheels it looks like a skateboard its makes you relax even its fun! takhayelaaw enkom etga7soon bel maktaab 😛

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Yesterday i was shocked, i found out that Ahmad was an Apple user once, long time ago. he was using an OS called Apple II, According to Ahmad, Apple’s first OS was Apple I then they updated it to Apple II (which he used back then) Bs 7asafa he went back to the dark side again.. to windows 🙁 yalla ma3alaih marada be3aref 6ereej el saa7 inshalla 😛

I found out some magazines about the Apple II OS which Ahmad read. they were issued on 1987 which is almost 21 years ago! 🙂

My thanks this times goes to Labeeba.




Just got an email from one of our readers telling that Villa Moda will starts its annual sale on Saturday 14-June with 50% discounts.

I’m just wondering how crowded it will be there 🙂

Anyway thanks to ShoOoSh



This dishwasher-safe, porcelain cup (with silicone top) looks just like the paper cups you get at coffee bars.

I liked it sara7a, want to order it? click HERE it gonna cost you around KD7.


My friend just sent me some pics of the new Nissan Skyline GT-R. It’s in Kuwait now, i thought it was just a concept car.

if you don’t know whats the Skyline, here are it’s specs:

Name: Nissan Skyline GT-R
body Stylist: Shiro Nakamura
Price: $69,850 USD
Engine: VR38DETT6 Alloy 60 Degree V6
Position: Front, Longitudinal
Aspiration: IHI Twin Turbochargers in Manifold System
Power: 352.7 kw / 473 bhp @ 6400 rpm
Front Tires: P255/40R-20 Dunlop SP Sport
Rear Tires: P255/40R-20 Dunlop SP Spor
Transmission: 6-Speed Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission
Top speed: 193 kph / 310.6 mph
0 – 60 mph    3.5 seconds
0 – 1/4 mile    11.7 seconds

Thanks Ali.


I was just reading Mark’s blog and turns out he’s also writing about it.