My friend shot this video of the new Nissan Z370, which was under cover and being tested in sheikh Zayed’s street, while he was in Dubai on 18-12-08.

Thanks Talal




I got this via email so I don’t know how true it is and when they’ll start using them in Kuwait:

“There is a new road tracking system on Dubai Roads. These are not just nicer looking radar cameras – they are a lot more lethal, so be careful.

First thing is that these cameras do not flash. They can take photos in complete darkness through ultra-light sensors, so even if it does not flash, it could have caught you. They also automatically read your number plate from the picture taken.

Now, comes the thing that catches most people. These cameras are continuous photo-taking cameras and they will take your photo regardless if you have been speeding or not. Then the next camera in 3-5 kms again does the same. Now, instead of checking your speed through advanced radars, these cameras are very simple and all they do is calculate how fast you traveled between the 2 cameras. If you arrived at the next camera faster than 120 km/h (or whatever the speed limit is) then you get fined.”

Thanks Tariq.



Taken from Time Out Dubai:

“This really will be a unique event for the city with a lineup of stars certain to thrill the crowds. We are looking forward to hosting this unforgettable encounter at the newly constructed Emirates sports venue, The Sevens”

Tickets will be available online from November 16 through Timeout Tickets while retail sales will start on December 3 at Costa Coffee and MMI outlets in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Dnata offices and Virgin stores in Dubai as well as at The Sevens Ground.

AC Milan’s Emirates-sponsored Winter Training Camp will run from December 29 this year to January 7 2009, with their clash against Hamburg SV taking place on Tuesday, January 6. Kickoff will be at 7pm at Emirates’ sports venue, The Sevens, on the Al Ain Road.

Ticket prices are: AED 100 for adults and AED 50 for children under 12.



Posted by Mishary

Yes its camels milk used in chocolates. Don’t ask why but Dubai decided to enter the chocolate world with a new idea based on camel’s milk. I think they got inspired by our song “Our camel lovely camel …”  if your interested, just click the link below to continue reading and also placing an order with them, and if not just stop here 🙂

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We went this time without Yousef. We used to go with him almost every year since 1998. He didn’t want to go because we were going early in the morning and returning the same day at night. He wanted to stay atleast for a night. I don’t know why He doesn’t enjoy the exhibition.

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Yes I found it ! Its so sexy ! But its only for show right now and it will be available in Dubai at the end of the month.

Posted by BlackBerry BOLD







Yes but they refused to let me take pictures with my camera 🙁

Posted by BlackBerry BOLD





Me and INM and Ali are now in the airport waiting for our flight to take off we will attend the GITEX for a couple of hour then we will come back .. Stay tuned 🙂

Posted by BlackBerry BOLD


My friend Talal who is a student in Dubai just wrote us saying there is a big issue going on with all the Kuwaiti credit cards (Visa, Master, and even Visa electron) that’s been used in Dubai within the last 6 months. He said they’re suspending all the cards and issuing new ones due to recent theft incidents. Make sure you always do a credit card comparison.

He also said that NBK is going to send him his card via DHL, and that if someone who’s in dubai and in desperate need for cash, they can lift the block on his card just temporarily in order for him to withdraw some money and then block it again right away. Click here to learn more about an alternative which is better than using your credit cards for loans.

Did you guys know about this thing? I didn’t. All I know is that they’re replacing all of their cards with new ones with a chip in them. Sort of an update and not something serious.

Thanks Talal.

I just spoke with someone from NBK and he confirmed that there have been many pretty big hacks and theft incidents on credit & debit cards used in Dubai in the past 6 months. And it’s happening with all the other banks too, not just the NBK.


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^Click on it to view a bigger version of the picture.




On the last day of our little weekend trip to Dubai we went to The Meat Company for lunch. The restaurant wasn’t a favorite of mine, I gave it a couple of tries in the last 2 years but it never clicked; the starters weren’t all that, the steaks were never tender enough, and there was always this unfair comparison in my head between it and Gaucho Grill, in which Gaucho always won.

We reserved a table the night before, the place wasn’t packed, far from it actually, but I’d always reserve a table if I were you, just in case.

We ordered the following for starters:

Chicken Caesar salad

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Captured this photo when i was in Dubai (Souk Madinat Jumeirah).


^ Click on it for a bigger version of the picture.


^Click on it for a bigger version of the picture.


When I was studying there I couldn’t spend enough time in Borders, it always was a rush whenever I’m there; friends waiting outside, late for the movies or a restaurant.. etc. But this time, I was able spend all the time I wanted in Borders, and it felt good.

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We stayed in Crown Plaza when we were in Dubai last weekend, it’s in Festival City and connected through an indoor path to the Mall which was a really great idea, no need for a taxi to get you there, Actually it was connected to the Intercontinental Hotel all the way to the mall. Our offer was really good which was 2 nights plus the tickets all that for KD92 including the taxes. So you can imagine the whole hotel was occupied by Kuwaities 🙂

This is the lobby. Its small but still got a nice finishing.

Since we were 6 people we took 3 rooms and one of the rooms got upgraded to a suite, So guess who took it? Akeeeed Mishary & his wife 🙂 and this was part of our suit 🙂

That was the view from our room (i didnt photoshop it) all the pics came straight from my Camera.


The conveyor belt at the suitcases’ X ray machine before the check in cunter, Dubai Airport:

One by one, the bags started to rise and fall over each other, the place was getting crowded, lots of people in one place trying hard to find and pick their bags, thats when I noticed that the little blue box containing our phones and wallets was about to get nudged out of place and all the things would fall into those little silver rollers. “Please! Hold the machine! just stop it for a second.. our things are falling” I said to the Emarati lady (clown face) operating the X ray machine. Her reply was: a disgusted look, a very obvious change in her face features that implied even more disgust, and a squeaky whiny “Whaaaat?!!”. Me and INM asked her again to stop/hold the machine coz we can’t find and pick the bags when there are lots of other bags piling up by the second.. She stopped the machine to say “I can’t stop the machine!!” “You just stopped it!” INM pointed out. She gave another condescending reply and showed disgust. We picked our bags and started walking toward the check-in counter. We were a good distance away from her when I said to INM “she don’t know how to operate the machine” (mat3arf teshte’3il).

Next thing we know, someone barked nearby and came up to us. He was a nobody, a tiny officer, who I think was employed to fill a void that never existed. He was Emarati too. The guy (greasy hair) heard my comment to my friend about clown face and was offended on her behalf. She did NOT hear me. He raised his voice and began motioning with his hands and asked many questions. “Yes I told my friend that she’s doesn’t know how to operate the machine. I don’t think she’s doing her job properly, thats just my opinion” I said to greasy hair, and he started to bark even more and asked for our passports (the passports were with Mishary, and he was at a counter very far away from us) He demanded the passports and INM went to bring them. Long story short, the guy took our passports, asked about our take-off time, and we told him that its on 8:20. He gave us a look that said “You might not be on that plane when it takes off.” Seeing him in that pose trying a bit too hard to fake authority was a sight out of a sitcom.

A little while later many officers came and started questioning us. We told them what happened. No one believed us. Greasy haired nobody said “He yelled at her to stop the machine then yelled again and told her how she’s not doing her job properly and how she can’t operate the machine. He was yelling at her!” Me and INM couldn’t believe our ears. The guy was lying his face off! We asked him if that is exactly what happened? “Wallah thats what happened!” He lied. We raised our hands as to say “We can’t compete with a lier”.

The questioning lasted a good 30 minutes. Me and INM stood our grounds. We did not offend clown face. She did not hear us. We did not want her to hear. greasy hair heard us and he told the girl what we said. But now that we’re painted guilty and liars, I stopped talking to the guys and asked clown face one question..

Me: Was I standing facing you, yelling at you and saying….etc?
Clown face: You said mat3arf teshte’3il.
Me: To you? Did you hear me? Was I standing there and yelling at you with those words?
Clown face: she was portraying 2 looks now. *disgusted look* and *I can’t believe he’s talking to me and no “sorry” came out yet* look.
Me: Did you hear me say that to your face, Was I Yelling?!!
Clown face: What difference does it make!? You said it!!

You see if I got to prove that she did not hear me and that I wasn’t even addressing her with my remark, let alone YELLING, I would prove that greasy hair was lying and clown face too was not saying the whole truth and that they had no case. The other officer sensed where I was going and stopped me “You don’t get to ask questions, only we do.”

Clown face: At first I was ready to forgive them but now I want to take them to the airport police office! (Her demand was ignored by everybody).

She was expecting a “I’m sorry” from me. Poor thing.

Nothing got to me till now, nothing. Not until the fat officer started handing us our passports.

He said many things. 2 things stood out:

1- Keep your opinions to yourself the next time, We don’t want to hear them.
2- We, emiratis, don’t insult employees while they’re doing their jobs (the way he said was a direct stab at my country and it offended me as a Kuwaiti).

I was offended by Dubai’s airport employees. We were talked down upon. Implicitly called liars many times. Treated as if we were criminals.

And all that for what?

For asking clown face to hold the X ray machine to stop the bag piling on top of our stuff and then telling my friend (far away from her) how I think she’s incompetent.

ma agool ila…. Malat 3albamyah.




We’re back and we’re so exuasted.. Moreover tomorrow DAWAM (work)! But we had a hell of a lot of fun there, we enjoyed it till the end.

Thanks to everyone in the group.


This place is probably one of the worst looking shops and most unsanitary place to pick some food or drinks at, But amazingly it’s extremely crouded at every single hour of the day. I love this place, The best Karak (Tea with milk/Chay 7aleeb) can be found there.

This is the approximate location.