
I posted the other day about the concert, But here is an update on ticket prices for Celine’s upcoming concert in Dubai.

The prices (As you can see from the above pic) are as follows:

Platinum General Admission (front field) $267, 980 DHS, 72 KD
Gold General Admission (centre field) $180, 660 DHS, 47 KD
Silver General Admission (rear field) $116, 425 DHS, 32 KD



They waited until I came back to Kuwait to release new stuff at McDonald’s! Grrr!


Its the size of a palm *drools* and it comes with 3 different types of sauces: Garlic & Mayo sauce, Sweet Chili sauce And Barbecue sauce.

Bil3afya loco πŸ˜€



I was introduced to The Noodle House and the chinese food in general about 3 and half years ago. My friends and roommates were regulars in this restaurant for ages before i came along. I love this restaurant and rate every other chinese restaurant based on how the food tastes in comparison. I know its not a good way to rate other restaurants, coz simply, they don’t stand a chance.


The restaurant is owned by Jumeirah International (which is owned by Dubai’s government), This alone gives it an edge an make it so far ahead of all of the other restaurants in Dubai. With a reputation like Jumeriah’s you’re gonna know it’ll be in every special and unique place, with the best decor and interior designs along with the best service in town.

The food quality is, as you may already sensed, is the best i’ve tried so far. The presentation is simple and elegant. They don’t have as many dishes as Peacock in Kuwait, but thats an advantage in my opinion, coz peacock’s menu never cease to confuse me. They have so many dishes which makes me not know exactly what i would like to order. I mean look at their chicken dishes, they have tons! IMO, If a restaurant doesn’t have standout dishes, they’re gonna offer whatever they can to compensate (but thats only my opinion peacock’s fans πŸ˜› )



Dishes I like in The Noodle House:

-Vegetable Spring rolls.
-Sesame prawns on toast.
-Prawn Bags

Main Dishes:
-Bakmi Goreng Noodles with shrimp & chicken (i always ask them to take out the shrimps)
-Chicken Sweet & Sour (unlike any other S&S dish i’ve tried)
-Thai Chicken with cashew nuts
-Roasted Duck (my favorite dish in this whole wide woyyd πŸ˜€ )
-Nonya Chicken Curry (they promised to bring it back to their menu soon)

They also have plenty of drinks and cocktails, but I never try them, I only order diet coke when I’m there. Yeah and its interesting to note that they offer both Pepsi’s products and Coke’s!

Easily 5 out of 5.


Posted By Yousef


Wanna see her in concert? then you should get ready for a big splurge. Got the following info from This site, which I was reffered to by Celine’s Official website

o Premium Seating in the Elite Seated Area
o Exclusive access to Elite Hospitality area with private toilet facilities
o Welcome drink on arrival
o Cash bar available (pre-show only)
o Selection of hot and cold canapΓ©s and an elaborate snack menu
o Onsite Security and secure parking (one vehicle per two packages)
o Official Event Souvenir Programme

Price per person Elite AED2998 / Β£425 / €638 ex Local Tax (10%)

This is the only package available at the moment. I think there will be other less expensive tickets available soon. There should be IMO. Anyway, The concert will be held in Dubai’s rugby club on the 5th of March.

For more info check Here & Here.



wallah 7achreen ha? πŸ˜› 3ad i was planning on bringing my skateboard!


Posted By Yousef


I was looking around for hotel rooms in Dubai in the range of $300 a night. and it seemed as though I’ve asked for something out of the ordinary! Even when I called the travel agency the guy almost didn’t take me seriously. I checked expedia for hotels’ rates and got shocked! Rooms are going for $500 and $850 a night?! regular rooms not suites! This means If I stayed for the 5 days, I would’ve spent 2 Macbooks worth of money! πŸ˜›

I lived in this country for so long and asked for rates so many times for friends and relatives, but never really thought about the prices. Prices are very real when I’m the one on the spending end! lol

Anyway, finally the travel agency found me this nice new hotel. Copthorne Hotel, Located near Deira City Center, over looking Dubai’s Creek. the hotel is part of Millennium Hotels group.

This is My room (Booked a junior suite coz all the rooms were gone)


This is the sitting area (not allowed to sit in the bedroom.. gotta follow the rules)


The pool area


Overall, and up to now, For 80Kd per night, I think it was an excellent choice and (Father’s) money well spent. The staff are friendly and attentive. Spacious rooms. Big Plasma screens and free high-speed internet.

I give them 4/5. I would’ve given them a better rating if it wasn’t for the Hotel’s ugly exterior and lobby.


Posted By Yousef


It was one interesting ride from Dubai to Kuwait! it took us 11.5 hours to enter the Kuwaiti borders. my friend INM and me got up yesterday at around 5:50am, we both took quick showers and headed out. we were on the highway on our way to abu dhabi by 7:15.

we reached UAE-Saudi borders by 11 o’clock. the guys at the border were very nice and friendly, we passed with no problems whatsoever.. we were very happy and relieved, and then the saudi border appeared…. I hate them! the way they talk, the way they look at you and the way they went through our bags. we were told to get the bags out and lay them on the bench. he looked in the car, opened every drawer and looked under everything, then took a look inside each one of our bags and then said something..

INM: here is the passport, you go, i’ll wait in the car.
Me: where? what did he say?
INM: he said he wants you to take a look at your laptop.
Me: Reallly? when? I didn’t hear him say that?
INM: no he did, he wants to take a look at your laptop.

I went there with my laptop and entered his office. 2 guys were in there, one sitting at a computer checking the passports and stuff and the other guy is sleeping. I said my Salam’s but nobody responded, so I said SALAM ALAIKOM! i woke up the sleeping beauty.. he took one look at me and left the room.. another guy came and started asking me questions:

Officer: open up the laptop & go to search….. (he was gazing at my screen like he’s never seen one before in his life)
Me: ok…
(1 minute went by and he’s just gazing with no expression on his face)
Me: you know this isn’t windows *pointing to the screen*.. this is Macintosh..
Officer: yes yes i know.. this is not windows.. this is VISTA! i know..
Me: no this is something else.. not windows… not Vista…..
Officer:……………….. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Officer: ok now tell me, what do you have in there?
Me: music, movies, some college projects…
Officer: no no lets be honest here, just tell me whats in there..
Me: as I said, i have music, lots of music files and some college related…
Officer: i want you to be honest
Me: I am being honest.. you won’t find what you’re looking for in my laptop
(he gave an awkward smile)
Officer: yakhoy latwakhethna a7na ma6loob minnnah ina infatesh.. bla bla bla
Me: no its ok, you’re doing your job.
Officer: you know what, just stay here for a while and then leave, lets pretend that I went through your laptop, but just don’t tell anybody.
Me: ok, sure, i won’t….. (we’ll see about that πŸ˜› )

We entered Saudi Arabia and INM took over the wheel. we were expecting to get bored and exhausted but that didn’t happen (we slept like dead people when we got home πŸ˜€ ) but when were on the highway we were mostly happy.


INM didn’t want to eat anywhere (he is a bit picky… just a tiny bit), and i wanted to experience the cheap food.. you know the kind of food you eat when you’re with traveling with your friends.. the grilled chicken and saltless rice? those kind of nice cheap food? I wasn’t about to give up this part of the adventure! so we stopped at one of the restaurant that had “stomach ache” plastered all over it… 15 minutes later we were back on the highway and this time i’m back on the wheel.

2 hours later we were here πŸ™‚


30 minutes later we were here πŸ˜€


we reached kuwait just as the sun disappeared.. it was a very nice trip. thanks INM πŸ™‚


Posted By Mishary.


Today is Yousef’s Birthday ! Yes yousef’s birthday is 1/1 ! He’s a lucky guy ! .. πŸ˜› So happy BIRRRDAAAAAAAAAAY Yousef πŸ™‚



I’m currently having problems keeping up with my study plan. The finals are here! 3 down and 3 more to go.. Fun is not an option for me until the end of the next week. Inshallah I’m going to be done with the exams by the 5th of january.

My friend INM is coming over on the 6th to help me out with some stuff, and we’re going to head back to Kuwait Via land transportation for a change πŸ˜€ we’re going to drive back to Kuwait! this should be interesting! 2 guys with not so many things in common, locked in a car for 12 hours… I can’t wait!




Posted By Yousef


Finally, the Net is back!!!! sij laigalaw, you don’t know what you got till its gone! I’ve got so many things I want to do.. I want to check every site out there, check all of my emails and reply to them all (even the ones that don’t need replies) and download every possible file! I missed having the world at my finger tips! πŸ˜€





My internet problem is not going to be fixed soon. I called and complained many times, but today the nice lady ba6at’ha and told me to adjust to life without internet, she said “problems like this one never get solved quickly, its going to take up to 20 days to be solved”. yafar7ety! πŸ˜€ i’ve been having low connection for about 10 days before it stopped working, so, i’m guessing it’ll need another week to get fixed..

I’m in a cafe (pic shown above) in city center dubai. i just had lunch in the noodle house (yes again). Mishary, hold on tight! i’m gonna be posting a lot more.. SOON!… just wait for 10 more days πŸ˜›



We went to ALQasr Hotel in Dubai, we wanted to try new things! we’re tired from the same old same old cafes and restaurants. we went there and stayed in the lobby, I drank tea and my friend ordered their marshmallow Hot chocolate… they ran out of marshmallows, so he got none.. he he he..

Anyway, I took some pictures with my new Bayotiful camera, and I would really like your input. feel free to criticize and I’ll feel free to edit your criticism πŸ˜€

So, Mishary… does this look familiar? πŸ˜‰



Aaand, this is my favorite πŸ˜€

The Hotel’s Link



We went, me and loco, to an egyptian restaurant, Grand Abu Shaqra. its my first time in Dubai’s branch, I went many times with my family and friends to Egypt’s branch. I liked it back then and I was curious as to how good its gonna be in Dubai. I remember loving their bΓ©chamel sauce.


We ordered many things.. loco ordered lentil soup (he always order soup for starters.. i7ib i7is inahwa birmothan). we shared makarona bil bΓ©chamel (which was amazing!). and then we ordered the main dishes πŸ˜› 2 white rice (shown above) and 2 tajins, molokhiya and bamya.

We liked it there (loco not so much). I liked the atmosphere (we sat out) and I liked the service. I would definitely go back there again πŸ™‚



we were still in sheikh zayed’s road at 7:25, so obviously we weren’t going to catch the check-in’s dead line (7:30). I told my sister in law to call the airport just to check if there were any delays on their plane’s schedule.. we were desperate! and my brother prayed for their flight to get delayed by 1 hour. and what do you know!! his prayers got answered! their flight was indeed delayed until 9:30! which means their check-in’s dead line was also pushed an hour to 8:30!

We called the airport again to check if the check-in too was open for an extra hour, just in case, and they said YES. so, now that we can finally breath better and take our time, we thought of using the extra time to go for a quick dinner at The Noodle House in the emirates towers. that plan was immediately shot down by my brother, “we don’t have much time!” he said.. πŸ˜€ saj wallah! lol *i don’t know what we were thinking, I guess we were just so happy with the delay*

at 8 o’clock we were at the airport saying our goodbyes. I called loco on my way back and told him all about the deadlines and how it all worked out at the end. 20 minutes later I was very close to my apartment and then.. BANG! I got this sms from my brother “we missed the plane”. I immediately called him and it turned that although the plane’s departure time was pushed back for an hour, the checkin time stayed the same!! it stayed at 7:30! the guy in the Jazeeraairways said that they should’ve checked in by 7:30 no matter how many hours the plane gets delayed…. can you believe this? I mean what if it got pushed for 4 hours?? why on earth would I want to check in and then wait in the duty free for HOURS to board the plane? jazeera airways suck. BOYCOTT anyone?

anyway, I turned back and picked them up. we wanted to waste some time until their 2am flight (on emirates airways this time) so we ended up having dinner in The Noodle House afterall! 3ala ra’ey ilmasal, “God works in mysterious ways” πŸ˜€



My brother and his wife are here for the weekend. I went out with them and we had dinner in Segreto, an italian restaurant in souk madinat jumeirah. the food was great! the service was nice but they were slow with the courses. they had to offer free “courtesy of the Chef” samples just to keep us from eating their heads off.

today my brother called me and told that he forgot his credit card in the restaurant! and the state of emergency began! I called the the restaurant many times and they assured me that they haven’t received any lost credit card. I even talked to our waiter and he too said that he’s sure there were no credit cards in the lost and found and that we took the card for sure. My brother had recently got that credit card after working so hard to improve his credit score, he used a company to help him with his credit score here is a full review seen here.

the calls were non stop between me, my brother and the restaurant.. but when my brother called me the last time, he started talking about how he never really put the card back in his wallet after paying.. and that he called the NBK and deactivated the card…. I was tracing back my thoughts as he was talking and thinking about the things we were doing while he was signing the bill..

i remember looking at his signature.. I was standing… we were ready to go.. but he was looking at the bill… i was looking at the credit card….. I picked up the card… the card is in my hands… i slipped the card in my pocket….


Instinctively I rammed my hand in the pocket.. and there it was.. the card was in my pocket the whole time!





I finally bought it!!! πŸ˜€

Its not what I originally wanted.. not the D40x (which apparently a little less featured than its competitor’s the Canon EOS 400D, A.K.A. Rebel xti).

I went to Jacky’s the electronic store in Emirates mall yesterday. its the official agent for Nikon’s cameras. I went there and annoyed the hell out of the sales person, I asked about everything, the warranty, the features, the free gifts πŸ˜‰ and spent 20 minutes just bargaining with him and trying my best to lower the price. he won ofcourse…

Earlier I talked to Mishary and his brother about which camera should I go with, coz seriously I was torn and couldn’t make up my mind. Mishary was very straight forward “the canon has more features? go with it!”, INM on the other hand was like “you’ve spent months just researching the Nikon and trying it in stores, so you should go with it.. you obviously want it more”.

later when I bought it Mishary said “congratulations”, while INM said “WHY!!! I wanted you to buy the Nikon so I could buy the Canon!!”. . . . thanks a lot INM for the precious advice… NOT! πŸ˜›

ultimately my thanks goes to Ahmad for his educated advice (even though he admitted his bias toward Canon himself) but I think I made the right choice πŸ™‚

Here are the unpacking process




I played with it for hours. my first thoughts were “what have i gotten myself into!” but after the first hour I got used to it.. I still think there is a very LONG way for me and so many things to learn about my first DSLR! but I’m happy that I can finally begin the real learning process. πŸ˜€




Β selected-topics-midterm.jpg

140 slides to be studied within 2 days. i studied them and on the day of the exam i forgot them all πŸ˜€ how nice! Thank God the exam was done with yesterday and I only have to live with the consoling fact that EVERYONE else in the exam did as bad or worse as I did πŸ˜€




Since the day before yesterday I haven’t been able to post anything, the 1st reason being I had many school-duties to attend to like exams and homeworks.. and stuff of that nature.. and 2ndly because my internet connection decided to stop working! just like that!

Notice the the connections lights aren’t working

I called my ISP many times and they couldn’t find out the cause of the problem. they kept telling me that they’re running some sort of an update to their software and that their computers can’t detect what was going wrong. (turned out that they had to cut me off coz I didn’t pay the DSL bill for 3 consecutive months πŸ˜€ )

Dubai Airport

The airport wasn’t as busy as I’ve expected. the airport was fully decorated with christmas trees, red & white wallpapers and some other nice christmas related decorations. I loved the atmosphere. I’ve always loved Dubai’s airport, its BIG and has everything you need, yet you don’t get tired walking and looking around in it.

Kuwait SWEET Kuwait!

INM picked me up from the airport and NOT Mishary! can you believe it?? he goes on here writing posts about me coming back to Kuwait and then he doesn’t show up at the airport! and instead he went to some other fancy dinner πŸ˜› and neglected his duties as a friend! SHAME ON YOU MISHARY!! πŸ˜›

PS dear readers, feel free to bash Mishary (HEE HEE HEE) 😈





Tomorrow inshalla Yousef gonna come to Kuwait at night and he’s going to stay only around 5 days, So me or INM are going to pick him up from the airport .. Welcome Yousef “Mogadaman” πŸ˜›


Posted By: Yousef

We started a bit late. My cousin was going to meet our friends (they’re here in Dubai for the weekend) they were going to the shooting range. the last time we went there we had so much fun, but I didn’t feel like going this time. I’m not sure why… so me and loco went to city center, just to waste sometime until its time to have dinner with all the rest. BUT before that, we knew we could not wait without something in our stomachs πŸ˜€ so we had a little TASBEERA from Arby’s.


I found Mario Galaxy for Nintendo Wii in Virgin megastore. I was so tempted to buy it, but I don’t have my Wii with me.. I left it in Kuwait..


And then after some surfing around the shops there, we went to Gap, it was fully stocked! better than Kuwait’s branch! aside from the Mens and Women sections it had kids section, baby’s section and infant’s section (not sure whats the difference between baby and infant). I liked it there, I found many things I could use this winter. but since its still autumn/summer in here, I decided not to buy anything.


We finally met with our friends, we were 9 in total and went to The Market Cafe. its a buffet restaurant located in Grand Hyatt hotel in dubai. we go there often, we especially like it when its friday, they have the friday special.. (all you can eat and drink for 120 Dhs LOL!). its a very very good place with VERY good food.


The Salad section. there was a giant wooden bowl where they put the lettuce and whatever else you want in and add the sauces and what not so they can finally mix it and give it to you.


there are different sections for each type of food. there is the pasta section, indian section, Salads, Pizza, Grills, Arabic AND the dessert section. oh and I forgot the drinks section, they have plenty of drinks there, and they make it infront of you and you pick it up yourself.

you can choose what kind of sauce and meats you want and they’ll cook it for you.


The Dessert section. their cheese cake was one of the best (not yesterday’s)


Every dish in there is made specially for YOU. the steak is grilled to your taste so is everything else.

We had a great time. πŸ™‚