

According to Alarabiya tomorrow is Eid in KSA, Just stay tuned for an official Kuwaiti confirmation.

Anyway, Me and Yousef wish you all the best o 3eedkom embarak πŸ™‚


Confirmed by Al-Rai TV tomorrow is Eid in Kuwait.

Posted by BlackBerry BOLD


Warning. Post may contain mouth watering pictures.
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For the photographers this is for you. im wondering if it available for purchase, i want one walla πŸ™‚

Thanks for Ahmad & INM


5 months ago I posted how it was easy to get an iTunes card off ebay, and till a couple of days ago it was the only way I could get an iTunes card. Well, the other day khalid made a comment on that post saying that he sell those cards.

I emailed him and learned that:

1-He sells iTunes gift cards and provide the cards via email.
2-Every $1 = 350 fils, which means a $10 iTunes card would cost 3.5kd and so on..
3-He’s got 2 bank accounts as a method of payment, meaning you deposit the card’s worth to his account on either Gulf Bank or NBK.

Here is his E-MAIL if you’re interested in buying some iTunes cards.


Our last poll was ‘What is your favorite Ramadan dish?’ Over 200 people decided the following:

  1. Harees / Yereesh 32%
  2. Tashreba 29%
  3. Muchboos 16%
  4. Em6abag 3%
  5. I don’t careΒ 20%

The tashreeba, my favorite, won the second position. It so deserved to be a #1 πŸ˜›

Our new poll got to do with Ramadan too. The Gergai3an is an old Kuwaiti tradition, where kids go door to door, on the 13th, 14th and 15th of every Ramadan, singing a traditional tune and in return get a handful of goodies (chocolates, nuts..etc.) We all went gerge3ing when we were kids and I remember that we couldn’t wait to measure our bagfuls of goodies and see who got the most.

So, What do you think of Gergai3an? You can submit your answers using the poll on the right sidebar.



Its really cool, i wonder where this is?

Thanks Ali


I was reading Buzberry’s blog and found this video there, all that I can say is AMAZING! I want this tune to be my mobile ringtone.

Please if you have it on mp3 send it to me.


Here is the mp3 file for the video above, Click HERE to download it.

Thanks to our loyal reader Abid


I created a facebook account ages ago, I tried it and didn’t feel all the hype and I left it at that until my brother introduced me to ‘Guess the sketch’. The game is addictive. You all take turns to sketch a word while others guess it. Simple and addictive. Now I want to get a digital pen just to be more efficient when its my turn to sketch πŸ˜›


Happy Birthday Mishary! 3o2bal 10Β² sina! πŸ˜€




If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, the dots will remain only one color, pink. However if you stare at the black ” +” in the centre, the moving dot turns to green. Now, concentrate on the black ” + ” in the centre of the picture. After a short period, all the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you will only see only a single green dot rotating.

It’s amazing how our brain works. There really is no green dot , and the pink ones really don’t disappear. This should be proof enough, we don’t always see what we think we see.


Since we’re in day 1 of Ramadan, HNM wants to share this TV shows/programs table which she made especially for the Kuwaiti/Khaleeji shows (men kethorhoom man7afeth). The programs start from 4:30PM all the way to 1:30AM.

P.S.: These aren’t ALL the shows, These are the ones she’s intersted in alone.. Allah e3enaa benshoof kel hathaaa πŸ™‚

Anyway thanks to HNM




I was recommended this Kuwaiti version of Youtube by a friend of mine last weekened. It isn’t an old site, it debuted according to them on march of this year. I’m loving it. It got full length movies and is somehow, to me, faster than youtube.. which is weird.

The people behind the site are doing a great job. Check it out, LINK.

Thanks Sulaiman.


Even with the food there is Bado and 7athar ? πŸ™‚

Thanks Om MiMi!


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Got this in an e-mail from INM.




We’re back and we’re so exuasted.. Moreover tomorrow DAWAM (work)! But we had a hell of a lot of fun there, we enjoyed it till the end.

Thanks to everyone in the group.




Can you guess what those things are?


Ok so those things aren’t as uncommon as I thought they’d be.. You got it right, all of you πŸ˜› They’re salt & paper shakers. We got the white and blue couple.




parmesan chunks

Just got a flickr account. Check it out HERE. I will add more pictures soon inshallah.


Brief History:

The restaurant was recommended by 9K2HN. He ate at this restaurant with his family and cousins more than 20 years ago. He came to know about this restaurant when they were staying in one of Geneve’s hotels back in the mid 80’s. Back then they weren’t familiar with the country as much as they are now, so they asked the hotel and were recommended this restaurant. They took a taxi and went there. They liked it and kept the restaurant’s card. In the coming years, whenever they wanted to go back to this restaurant, they’d go to the Noga Hiltion Hotel (Now its Kempinski) and take a taxi from there to the restaurant coz its so hard to get there without a taxi. fast forward to yesterday.. 9K2HN, his brother and me wanted to go back there. He dug up the restaurant’s card and used modern day technology to get there, A.K.A. the GPS. The waiter was very surprised to see the restaurant’s old card with us, He said he recognized the logo but not the card itself coz its too old.

According to 9K2HN, the restaurant is still as it was over 20 years ago. Its basically a villa somewhere in geneve (I don’t think I can get there without a GPS either). You can choose to sit inside or in the terrace. The inside of the restaurant feels like you’re in a hut or cabin. The restaurant specializes in Grills. They bring you your own little coal filled barbeque grill and you do the grilling. You can choose one or a mix of their boneless meats. They offer: beef, lamb, chicken, duck, turkey, fish, shrimps and squids. Each dish comes with fries and an appetizer of your choice (smoked salmon, salad mΓͺlΓ©e/mix…etc.

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My friend just sent me a link for a site where you can find a ring tone for almost every arabic name. I found my name and my parent’s. Click HERE and find yours.

A ringtone with my name πŸ˜›

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Thanks INM.