

I dont think he will ever think of doing it again 🙂


^Click on the picture for a bigger version. Would make a nice wallpaper, don’t you think?

Google “photoshop actions” and read about them. Great and easy to use for these types of nice outcomes.

P.S. Labeeba, those are your floweres 🙂


Just found out that my mom is reading our blog now and she is trying to capture the Kuwaiti/English language ( 3, ‘3, 5 and 6).

As seen above she wrote in her note the keys to read 🙂 welcome aboard mom 🙂


I was supposed to be back today from my short trip to Oman, but since I finished work earlier than expected I decided to cut it short and be back a day earlier. I didn’t tell anyone that I’d be home earlier, and I did manage to surprise them all. When I came into the living room, my wife was there, and she was not expecting me at all. After the salams, She was started acting all weird and started shoving me toward out of the living room to another room, that was weird so I asked her “whats going on!” and she said “Nothing!” I didn’t know anything about it till I went to get a glass of water and saw gift boxes on the dining table, being wrapped, and the whole table was messy from all the gift wrapping paper and stuff.

When I saw the gift, I got excited, but still didn’t know it was for ME! and I asked her whom is the gift for? and she said “You, it was supposed to be ur birthday gift.” My birthday is in september.. so she said that I can have the gift now, but this is it!

Thanks Ahmad for Conspiring with your sister, again. You both got me an amazing gift. 🙂




I just discovered Oobleck! Its called Oobleck! When I first read the name I got curious and read some more then went on youtube and found many videos about Ooblecks! lol I don’t know whether this is old news or not. 😛

This substance is solid AND liquid! it gets solid when you apply pressure, and when you don’t, it turns back to liquid! its freaky at first but then it gets so much FUN!

I tried it just 10 minutes ago. ALL you need is 1.5 cups of corn starch (nisha ilthora) and 1 cup of water.. I added some more starch afterward to have a thicker texture. This thing gets VERY sold when you grab it and squeeze it, but when you loose your grip, it melts right out of your hands and fingers. You can add color, any color, just for more fun.

You should all try this NOW!

Again, You need:

1 1/2 cup of corn starch.
1 cup of water
color, any color (mo lazim)

This video may help as well:




I’ll be taking a train at 7 am tomorrow to Salzburg, I’ll stay for a couple of days. I should be sleeping now coz I haven’t slept enough yesterday and I’m so tired I can barely see the keyboard. We have an 8 hours train ride ahead of us. I’m gonna try hard to sleep through it all, if that didn’t work out, I brought 2 books and an ipod just in case.

Anyway, Have you been to Salzburg? any good places to see? recommendations please?

I’ll post an update once I get there. 🙂




posted By Yousef

The Caffeine Click Test - How Caffeinated Are You?
Created by OnePlusYou

I was about to sleep when I came across Don Veto’s post about a caffeine test. Its a test that determines your level of caffeine intake by measuring how fast you can click your mouse. Ofcourse me being me I had to take the test and do my best to click as fast as possible, I think I broke a record (and a finger). Now I feel too exausted and my heart is thumping I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep for awhile..

Take the test.


Yeah its not a typo, the sport’s name is Bossaball (my mac is underlying it with a red line as i type 😛 I guess it is a typo afterall). I never heard of it but going by the video it looks like a really fun sport.

From wikipedia:

“Bossaball is a sport invented in Belgium. It is similar to volleyball, but also includes elements of football (soccer), gymnastics and capoeira. Each side of the court has an integrated trampoline, allowing players to bounce high enough to spike the ball, and a number of inflatable barriers.

Bossaball clubs exist in various countries including Brazil, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Kuwait and Ecuador.”

For more information about this sport take a look at Kuwait’s Bossaball site HERE.

Thanks INM.


Yes, from now on no need to buy it, you can watch the full thing online with weekly updates.

Click HERE to view it.

Thanks to Om MiMi !


What can i say more ? 😛


This is rumored to be a part of a new Louis Vuitton line of luxury disposable goods! 😛

Thanks Ahmad


A Goggles and an underwater camera, 2 in 1. The camera comes in 2 resolutions 5.0MP and 3.1MP.

The Specs:

  • Micro SD Card.
  • Video Mode – 18-25FPS @ VGA.
  • LCD Display.
  • USB.
  • Power – 2 AAA Alkaline 1.5V Batteries.
  • Depth = 5 M – 30 M Depending on model rating.

I’ve looked into some of the samples of images taken with this Goggles and I think they look decent. Its a nice little gadget to play around with. I have no idea how much it costs.

Visit their Website for more information.

The 5.0MP costs $99.95. This SITE is accepting pre-orders now.

Thanks Taymoor.


No comment.

Thanks Om MiMi !


“Rumor has it that there is renewed interest in bringing the six fabulously perky and quirky New Yorkers to the big screen. You can either thank or blame “Sex and the City” for this news. The success of that franchise’s recent flick reportedly inspired the cast to bring their beloved sitcom back from the dead.”

Personally, I can’t wait for this rumor to come true. No matter how awful it turns out there won’t be a harm in watching, right?





We just added a new “sharethis” option to the site. It will enable you to email and share the posts you liked with your friends and family. The link can be found under each and every post in the site.




From Firfox:

“We set a Guinness World Record for the most software downloads in 24 hours. With your help we reached 8,002,530 downloads.

You are now part of a World Record and the proud owner of the best version of Firefox yet!

Don’t forget to download your very own certificate for helping set a Guinness World Record.”


Its really amazing what this woman can do to change her look 180 degree. check them all out.. BTW there are more than 20 looks 😛

Read the rest of this entry »


Am I the only one who still listens to the Aladdin soundtrack? I especially enjoy it when I can’t sleep, I just put it on and try to sleep and it usually works.. I love this soundtrack. To date I think it hasn’t lost it’s touch and is still fresh.

Speaking of sleeplessness.. Don’t you hate people who can’t sleep while the TV is on? I have a friend who cannot sleep with the TV or ANYTHING else on. Let me explain further more.. This friend of mine cannot sleep if the receiver displays the time, the bathroom-boiler’s light is on, the space under the door is letting light in, the mobile’s tiny light is blinking or the window’s shutter is not fully shut. Now, in all honesty, don’t you think people, like my friend, should get a training course on how to properly use their eyelids? 😛

I used to have issues sleeping, but it wasn’t the little details that made a difference to me. To me it’s about comfort. If the temperature isn’t just right I’ll have a lot of trouble sleeping. If I’m not laying on a comfortable place I probably won’t be able to sleep no matter how peaceful my surroundings are. Eventually I noticed this fact fully, and how it applied to myself. I got myself a black friday memory foam mattress, as I heard that those were the ones that could really make a difference for comfort. Well, they were right. I’ve been using mine for years and when I decide it’s time to get a new one I will get another just like it, if not better. I’ve also been taking medication from EU Meds, and it got rid of all of my sleeping problems instantly.


Just imagin yourself in her place. Its scary to death!


Mont Salève (1380m) is in france right next to the swiss borders. Its one of the nearest mountains to geneva and once you’re up there, you’ll have a panoramic view of geneva and all the cities next to it. I think I can see all the way to lausanne (I think Montreux is blocked by the Mountains near Evian).

You can go up there either by using the Telepherique (Cable car) or by car. I prefer using the car, gives a sense of adventure (I’m afraid of heights). We went there last week, by car ofcourse, my brother was in the driver’s seats, driving the manual car (which makes our heads go back and fourth with every gear shift!). The trip took less than 15 minutes. There is a little cafe on top (many cafes) which overlooks the whole thing and just a few meters away from the cafe there is this flying-edge where (crazy people, as mom would refer to them, elmeyaneen) jump off and fly with their parachutes.

This is the stadium where some of the UEFA games were held.

The giant football hovering over geneva’s skies.

Read the rest of this entry »