


^He sent me this picture with a very mean subject line! I’m so envying him right now and I have a strong feeling that he’ll choke on the first thing he put in his mouth ๐Ÿ˜›

Note to Mom: I know you are reading this post, look, I know I said that I won’t travel with you guys this summer, but I’m having second thoughts now.

Ana ga3ed ebhal7ar wohwa raye7 “iteshagag fe roboo3 swaisra*”!!

*in which Kuwaiti (mosalsal) soap opera was this line said and by who? First one to give the correct answer will get a standing ovation from Mishary.


We went to Garoh island last weekend, it was my first time to go to Garoh, and let me tell you how would you feel if you ever went there:

1-On the way there and just before you get to the island, the sea will smell like you’re at a gas station. The sea reeks of gazoline. Big circles of transparent oils are floating everywhere. And just so you know, thats why it was called Garoh. Garoh is a word derived from Gar, which somehow meant Oil/Petrol long time ago.
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Tetris celebrated it’s 25th years anniversary this week. What do you think of this game? I think it was brilliant and was destined to be a classic.

I remember the first time I played tetris was sometime in the winter of 1990, yep Kuwait was still invaded and we were in france visiting my aunt. I remember I got to play with my aunt’s gameboy and trying tetris for the first time. I was soooo taken away and just couldn’t believe how my luck sucked at the time coz I only discovered this game the day we were leaving france.

I then got another glimpse at this incredible game when we went to Bahrain, in ramadan of 1991, Kuwait was just freed by then. I remember one Kuwaiti girl on our block had the gameboy and we all played together so I was always asking her to play with her gameboy.

I remember I was jumping with joy after visiting my aunt in Kuwait for the first time right after the invasion, coz she had just bought me one from france! I couldn’t believe it lol! I remember that I got to boss my little brother around in order to let him play with my gameboy… well, I bossed him around till my parent got him later the game gear.


I realized that this was my second mention of the invasion time and it’s also of a happy memory, and that this could lead people who don’t know how old I am or even foreigners to believe that we and Kuwaitis in general weren’t caring enough about their country back then, and I could be misrepresenting Kuwaitis in general (some of Kuwait haters used to say that we were indifferent to that fact that our country was at war). So, just in case, I’d like to say that I was 7-8 years old back then, and thats why all of my memories of that time are happy ones. Sorry, I just had to mention that ๐Ÿ™‚


See how much oil does the single burger contain. Just count the calories ๐Ÿ™‚


Guys don’t attempt this trick. Jail is not fun this time of the year ๐Ÿ˜›

Thanks 7antoosh





Wouldn’t you kill for a friend like that ๐Ÿ˜›



Swine flu edition ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks INM


Apparently this slope found it’s purpose in life.. its the new slide for kids! its located in kaifan’s Co-Op.

Look how happy he is! ๐Ÿ™‚

Update: It seems this belong to al-dasma co-op.

Thanks A.I


We were in Spain the summer of 1990, we had a nice beginning for a very promising summer vacation. Then we headed to nice, we stayed at my uncle’s place, and that was when we got the news that Iraq have invaded Kuwait.
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^Click on it to view the bigger version

This is funny! and most probably is true ๐Ÿ˜›

Thanks 7antoosh




Hilarious! gotta love this family!



It’s a cool virtual game where you’re the doctor and are about to perform a knee surgery. I enjoyed it for a bit but then it became a little scary with all the drills and saws needed to perform the operation.

Play it HERE

Thanks HKR




Posted by Mishary

Did you noticed the 21 changes?

Thanks Ali



Thanks Taymoor



You’ve seen this thing, the jetlev flyer, before on email forwards or on tv, right? It was finally made available for people to buy last month. People now can buy this thing and start flying all over Kuwait’s beaches this summer ๐Ÿ˜›

Jetlev is available in 2 models:

  1. The one with 155 HP costs โ‚ฌ 99,000. Around KD 38,000.
  2. The one with 215 HP costs โ‚ฌ 119,000. Around KD 46,000.

With these prices could the jetlev flyer be the next big summer activity in Kuwait? To use this machine you need 10 hours of training first, but I’m totally picturing this machine being rented in Kuwait for say, KD20 for a 10 minutes ride, with less than 10 seconds worth of training.

Thanks Fawaz



I’ve seen this video before but I still get a kick out of watching it ๐Ÿ˜›

Thanks Taymoor




Since summer have officially begun, the guys at our chalet inflated the Fly Fish and went on with their annual summer routine, which lasts through out the summer. The Fly Fish is basically 3 Bananas stuck together, and it flies when the kayak pulling it goes fast enough.

I tried it for the first time today, and it beat all my expectations and more importantly my worries were subsided. it doesn’t strain your muscles, it doesn’t wear you down, and when it leaves the water and goes up in the air it isn’t as scary as it looks. And there is also some fishing, since they can use bass fishing resources specially for this, and catching the best fishes in the area.

If you also enjoy water-based recreation, learn more about Intrepid Powerboats.
Read the rest of this entry »





No offense but this is just Hilarious! ๐Ÿ˜›

Thanks INM



I asked my friends this question and NONE of them gave me the 100% correct answer. And yes there is only ONE single right answer, and I came up with it!

The question is:

(Religious logic aside) Is it possible to invent a time machine? and your proof?

(rab3y ily i3arfon iljawab.. khamoosh!)

The post will be updated later with the correct answer ๐Ÿ™‚

UPDATE: The Answer:

We got 2 right replies for the above questions and they were Musaed’s and dev’s ๐Ÿ™‚

The answer would be: If it was ever possible to invent the time machine any time in the future, then we’d see people visit us from the future right now. Since we don’t have visitors from the future, then this machine won’t be invented, not even 10,000 years from now. And That my friends is how it’s answered! ๐Ÿ˜›


This is really amazing! All what can i say is enjoy the show.

Thanks INM