I should’ve posted this 3 days ago when my friend bo9ale7 first told me about this Diving center. My friend is totally obsessed with every thing adventurous, not that this thing is risky, well it is but thats beside the point. He took classes and started diving (Do you remember the Swimming with the sharks post?) and ever since all we hear is ‘Bo9ale7 na6ir ilsummer’ ‘bo9ale7 went to sharm alshaikh to dive in the red sea’. I think, and most of our friends also think that bo9ale7 was a mizligana in another life 😛

Anyway. So Bubbles diving center are offering scuba diving trips and training courses to whoever is interested. They’re qualified to train the beginners all the way to the instructors. They’ve begun registering students for the diving courses and the first of their courses will start on the 3rd of May.

For more information call 24835228 or 99989020/30. You can also check out their forum at Bubbles Diving.

Um-mit3ib and 4thringroad have already posted about Bubbles diving center.

Thanks bo9ale7


I’ve been hearing about this spa for a long time from friends, and as I was telling my friends this weekend that I needed a massage and that I probably will go to The Day Spa, which is my favorite massage place in all O the land, my friend Ban1 told me, for the 10th time, that I should consider going to the one in crown plaza hotel. He said that it is the best place in Kuwait. So, as a massage fan and more importantly as a blogger looking for good material for you readers, I went to Aquatonic Spa and took my camera with me.
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Chicken Nugget is a term used to describe the westernized Kuwaitis (dark from the outside, white from the inside) you know the kind, you’ve heard them talk around you with that perfect accent, you hated them for it, and you wished you could speak like them.. but lets face it ya3ny.. we, as in we who studied in public schools and started learning english at 13 and used to sing Old Mcdonalds in english classes at the age of 14 and 13 (the shame!) won’t ever be able to speak like them.. no matter how we tried to loose the Rs and no matter how hard we tried to go easy on the Ts & Ps.. It just won’t work.

My cousin, who is partially nuggety was daring me to pronounce “water” the way americans do, and believe it or not, I failed. I tried to sound like him but unfortunately I sounded neither american nor Kuwaiti, it kinda evolved miraculously into an indian accent, every single time I tried.

I don’t wanna digress.. I’m trying to take a jab and accuse the Nuggets of something here. I think the Nuggets like the term Chicken Nugget. I also think that the term was used and made popular in Kuwait by none other than them.. I mean how can “we” the 7abarbash of public schools with our miserable english come up with such a term! Seriously have you heard us say the word NUGGET?

To all the chicken nuggets out there… WE’RE ON TO YOU!

This post was inspired by THIS POST.


Zain Create have an offer for limited time, if you register before the 1st of april you’ll get KD 5.100 (thats 5 kds and a 100 fils) of credit to download songs off their music store. I went ahead an registered, it was an easy process and I got the promotional 5KDs credited to my Zain Create account. You should all register, there is no need to miss out on this one time deal.

Anyway, I looked around the site, then wanted to download something to try the service out. I went to the top 10 list and found that Fadhel Shaker’s new album is in the #1 spot (Not just that, He is #1 in the top songs, albums, and artists list!) so I went with Fadhel’s new album. I bought the album (10 tracks, each track costs 300fils. You can’t buy the whole album as of now, but it says in the FAQs section that the option will be available soon. It better be). I bought the album and am now listening to 2 of the songs.. the download rate is between 10kbps and 35kbps (I’m using ego 7.2).

I’m listening to Jowa Al Roh right now and the quality is superb. the song is 4:27 long, in MP3 format, 6.2MB, 192 Kbit/s. Obviously good quality. and comes with an ID3 tag with the picture of the album’s cover.

The whole site is very well designed and is easy to use. I love it.. but there is room for improvement. Hear me out if you have a say in this project:

1- I need to be able to tell which song is already downloaded. Like for example as I was downloading Fadhel’s songs, I lost track. There needs to be a sign or a label on the song which has been downloaded so i don’t download it again by mistake.

2- The lack of Mac software is not acceptable.

3- The song sampling is very fast, which I appreciate a lot, but sometimes the play button doesn’t work and I have to refresh a few times before I can start sampling the song.

4- I should be able to download the whole album as a package, coz it was a hassle downloading each track separately. I know it’s coming.. but still, it should be available from the start imo.

5- It says that once I download a song, I should receive an sms immediately, and yet, I downloaded 10 songs, wrote this post and still not a single sms.

I think the service is very good and that Zain did a great job with this whole thing.

Visit Zain Create and get the offer before it expires.


I was sent an email by Zain replying to the 5 points I wrote above. Here is their reply:

1-Noted will work on it you can check your downloads on my create section .

2- Noted will communicate your request if doable.

3- This is related to your browser

4- working on it,, coming soon along with video clips , ringtones & wallpapers .. & non Rotana songs …

5- This is due to the free promotion once you consume your 5 KD , you will get a chargable sms once you purchase a song ( charging is via sms for free songs no sms is sent only a box stating your free purchase ).

Finally , try out the streamed channels of Rotana( Audio & TV ) as well on the website & try to download the mobile application from web its compatible with Nokia & Sony Ericson symbian mobiles ,,, blackberry soon ….

Thanks Alia



Inspired by Mark’s post, my friend tried it and liked it, so He and I decided to have it this weekend. It was my first time making this McGangBang thingi, and If I had my eyes closed while eating I wouldn’ haven known what the hell I was putting in my mouth.

The sandwich is basically a chicken burger shoved in a double cheeseburger. The process didn’t make a mess, but I can’t say the same about the way it tasted.. coz that was a complete and utter mess, the flavors were all over the place, and it was too big it had my jaw throbbing by the end.

It tasted like 4 buns and ketchup.. won’t have it again.



Yes, it is “Makya6o”! picture taken in Bahrain’s coffee republic. 😉

Thanks INM





An email forward from Taymoor



There is a new radio station, 94.9 fm, that specializes in Kuwaiti folklore music. I’m new to this whole genre of music and just beginning to get into the whole samri thing, and I’m loving how old some of the songs are and how some, now famous wedding songs, are covers of unrecognizable originals. If you’re a fan of old Kuwaiti songs then you should tune in

Thanks HBZ


Happy belated 25th and 26th of february to you all. I was at the chalet during this holiday and took many pictures of the foaming parades that took place in both Alzoor and Alkhiran.
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Please wait until the group changes positions.

Is it twelve or thirteen ? Keep looking 🙂

Where does the extra man come from ? Dont ask me 🙂

Thanks 9K2HN


Don’t you agree with me ? 🙂




I wrote awhile ago about BosaBall when I first learned that such game existed. My friends and cousins have been playing the game lately and they’re saying that it is so much fun.
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In our last Bahrain trip my friends wanted to experience swimming with the dolphins. We went to this place where they have dolphin shows and stuff. My friends took their swimsuits with them and I took my camera. This great piece of article features such experience.
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It says there are 11 human faces in this picture and the normal guy can figure out 5 of the 11 .. So how many you can get ? 🙂


I think we’d live longer if we had rain once every 3 days in Kuwait*

So last week in the chalet I took some pictures of the flowers growing wildly right infront of our chalet and on the beach. The pictrues turned out nicely, imo, which got me thinking as I was editing the hell out of them.. What if it rained every 3 days in Kuwait for, say, 3 or 4 years.. what would happen? I think We’d live longer. But how?

I’ll tell you..

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I remember seeing a video just like this one on intlxpatr’s blog a while ago. It’s hilarious and so true 😛

Link incase the video doesn’t work.

Thanks INM




We were all at our friend’s yesterday, invited to his house for his melcha-dinner gathering. I don’t have much to say except congratulations (again) 🙂 and to show the rest of you some of the things we had for dinner..
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Post By Mishary

look to the center of the image for a minute then look at the keyboard .. What are you seeing? 🙂

Thanks Ahmad


I’m in love with these Japanese creations!



So Guess where do you think I am? 😉