لكل الذين لديهم طلب اسكاني والى الان لم يحن الوقت لكي تخصص لهم القسائم او البيوت

من هنا تستطيع ان تستعلم عن طلبك الاسكاني الذي قدمتة فقط قم بزيارة الرابط التالي وقم بوضع رقمك المدني ومن ثم اضغط بحث سوف تجد اسمك وكل بياناتك وتاريخ تقديم للطلب

Thanks Ali


I thought there is a rule about a minimum of 3 months till expiry for items to be still at shelves for sale? coz this item pictured had only 2 months till it expires and it’s still sitting on the shelves.

I just searched around in the internet and couldn’t find anything about it. Is there a rule about expiry dates in Kuwait?


I passed by today and was told by the waiter that they’ve just released a new flavor, chocolate, and it is awesome. I sampled it and I thought it was awful. It tastes like something between a real good chocolate icecream and a bad dark chocolate.
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Now this is funny! Carlsberg as a sponsor for Kuwait’s national youth team? The goal keeper should’ve known better than to wear a shirt with carlsberg logo on it, on an official game.

I heard they made quite a fuss about it on AlRai newspaper.


Alrai’s article. I feel sorry for the goalkeeper after reading the article.

Thanks Taymoor


Gap, Old Navy & Banana Republic are now officially shipping directly to Kuwait, More over you can now display the prices in KWD. You can check it by your self.


KBSoft would like to invite you to koutbo6.com 10th anniversary event.

“The event will take place at JW Marriott Hotel Al-Jahra ballroom, Thursday evening, September 23, 2010 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

In addition to the anniversary event, We will be holding RAMADAN 2010 winners ceremony.

Everyone here at KBSoft looks forward to meeting you and share our success with you at our 10th anniversary.”


Got it by email and it was issued in 22/Sep/1938 and got signed by Ghanim Bin Saqer Al-Ghanim


Eureka is selling Tvs and other stuff that compatable with skype, I thought you can’t get any tool that deal with skype here in Kuwait since skype.com is blocked.

Thanks 9K2HN


On our way to the chalet on the Eid holiday we passed by Lulu Hyper Market. Lulu’s known for it’s low prices and offers. We usually get our stuff from Co ops and sometimes for Sultan Center (if we’re looking for special stuff), but since the Eid’s holiday is going to be a long one, and we would require need lotsa stuff, We decided that Lulu would be the best place to shop at for it’s low prices (o yokhob).

Aswaq AlQurain isn’t hard to find, you’ll see it on your right if you’re heading south on King Fahad’s highway, it’ll be right across the highway from AlQurain. The building is huge, with many gates and it’s not dedicated entirely to Lulu’s as I spotted one Costa Cafe in there and many small shops that are either opening soon or have recently opened.

The supermarket itself is very big, 3 floors, and we found everything we were looking for, well except for Sara Lee’s Turkey and KDCow’s Milk, but other than that it was nice to shop there.

We filled 4 carts for KD151. You see? It’s a bit cheaper than Co ops, and ofcourse much cheaper than Sultan Center, but ofcourse you won’t find gourmet stuff in there.

You know what was surprising? Their service. Their Service was top notch.




Good news I guess, the traffic-jams-causing schools in Kuwait won’t be back until the 26th of this month, which gives us a whole week and a half of Jams-free mornings.



I feel like I was left outta the loop. This Caramel Log thing is, apparently, a favortie among Kuwaitis (?) How come I didn’t hear about it until like 5 minutes ago? It looks old, tastes old, and has a nice after taste. It crunches like a lion bar and tastes like Bounty.

My collegue says it is best when accompanied with Sunkist.. huh.. gotta try that now.


And Friday will be Eid inshalah, Eidkom Mubarak 🙂

Thanks Ali


Mishary I was just writing about it and you beat me to it 😛

So tomorrow’s the last day of Ramadan which makes our holiday one day LONGER!!! 😀

عسى الله يتقبل صيامكم وصلاتكم وقيامكم وصالح أعمالكم وتعودونه كل سنة بالصحة والعافية


Just got it from them:

يسر وزارة الخارجية، وبمناسبة قرب حلول عيد الفطر المبارك وموسم السفر، أن تعلن لمواطني دولة الكويت عن إطلاقها لخدمات تقنية نوعيّة مجانية وذلك ابتداءً من اليوم الثلاثاء الموافق7/9/2010

وإستجابةً للتطورات التقنية المتسارعة، وإسهاماً منها في التيسير على المسافرين من مواطني دولة الكويت ومراجعي بعثاتها في الخارج وسرعة تواصلهم مع السفارات، وفّرت وزارة الخارجية لمستخدمي أجهزة الـ I Phone ، الـ I Pad و الـ I Pod ميزة الإنزال المجّاني للبرنامج المعنون “Ministry of Foreign Affairs State of Kuwait” عن طريق الـAPP Store للإستفادة من تطبيقاته وخدماته المتعددة التي تُرشد المستخدم إلى البعثة الدبلوماسية المراد الوصول إليها وذلك عن طريق خدمة تحديد الموقع، إضافةً إلى عنوان البعثة الدبلوماسية (سفارة / قنصلية) وساعات دوامها الرسمي وهواتفها وبريدها الإلكتروني

كما إن من شأن البرنامج أن يُؤمِّن استلام مواطني دولة الكويت لآخر الإرشادات الخاصة بالسفر والأخبار والتنويهات الصادرة عن وزارة الخارجية، مما يكفل الإطلاع الفوري على المستجدات والإحاطة المباشرة بها، وذلك في سابقةٍ تُعد الأولى من نوعها على نطاق الخدمات المقدمة من وزارات الخارجية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط.
و تعد النسخة المطروحة نسخة تجريبية حيث يمكن لمستخدميها التواصل مع الوزارة عن طريق البريد الالكتروني “i.mofa@mofa.gov.kw ” في حال وجود اي ملاحاظات و اقتراحات بشان الخدمة.

Thumbs up, a good move by the ministry.


We were at P.F. Chang’s the other day and the nice manager over there told us they’ll be opening a new branch in Kuwait soon. It’ll be located right next to the Corniche Club, in the ‘red building’. She told us that the new branch is a big one, 2 levels, and according to her it’ll look amazing.

Opening date: 14th of december 2010.


The Kuwaiti notes from dinars to twenties, enclosed and presented like checks for Eid elfitir (Real Cash). It would’ve been a hit in my opinion if it wasn’t for the Central Bank of Kuwait rejecting the idea. However I was told that even if this was made available, it would’ve been available to select clients in KFH, VIPs Altamayoz’s clients and such.. I was also told that quite a few people got their hands on these checks/3ayady before they were rejected by the Central Bank.


^The KD1 notes

Thanks HalfCreamMilk


I’m Speechless.

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Zain's African Assets

Just got a phone call from them telling me they offer me a list of new numbers which begins with 909 for free and they will deliver it to my home thats because of the loyalty program, I’ve choose 90999x1x the X also the same number. Really thank you guys for giving me that gift.


الخدمة المدنية: في حال كان رمضان 30 يوم

Thanks Ahmad




According to Cinescape, it will be closed starting from today and resume its shows on the first day of Eid El Fitr.

Thanks Ahmad


ليلة 20 رمضان
عبدالله الهزيم ، ماجد العنزي

ليلة 21 رمضان
خالد الجهيم ، مشاري العفاسي

ليلة 22 رمضان
ماجد العنزي ، مشاري العفاسي

ليلة 23 رمضان
مشاري العفاسي ، فهد الكندري

ليلة 24 رمضان
مشاري العفاسي ، خالد السعيدي

ليلة 25 رمضان
فهد الكندري ، مشاري العفاسي

ليلة 26 رمضان
خالد الجهيم ، ماجد العنزي

ليلة 27 رمضان
خالد السعيدى ، مشاري العفاسي

ليلة 28 رمضان
قتيبة الزويد ، خالد الجهيم

ليلة 29 رمضان
مشاري العفاسي ، خالد السعيدي

ليلة 30 رمضان
مشاري العفاسي ، فهد الكندري

Taken from Sraay