
Today we decided to have our lunch from Mishref McDonald’s ((The one which is located in Mishref’s Garden)), So while we were waiting for our order “We’ve order from the car service” I noticed something unusual.


I noticed that the Garden have a newspaper boxes! They even have English newspaper boxes!

So I wondered… Who is living here! Who reads these newspaper??




Tree #4

My friend made it a habit to buy me a plant everytime he comes for a visit. I kinda grew to expect a plant everytime now.. 🙂 the above picture is of plant #4.

I enjoyed his stay, I always do. this time in particular felt different, I didn’t spend as much time with him as I hoped for, I had to attend every class this week (well almost every class.. you know, too many absences, can’t risk getting an FA!).

we went to buddha bar yesterday, we didn’t have a reservation but we went there anyway just for a peek, to get an idea (bala’3at shaf). I can’t put down what I saw in words! it was amazing! the atmosphere was out of this world. dark, lounge music and great food! (we didn’t eat, but it looked and smelled GEWD!).

I just took him to the airport. I’m going to miss him. (hey INM if you’re reading this, where is the shampoo!!!!?)




Put that drip water to good use by using the Planter Dish Drip. It’s plastic and can hold several dishes at one time. ((Wala khoooosh))




Interested? Read More.

BTW thanks Ahmad.




Similar to what happened to Yousef. Today morning (my morning starts @ 12:00 pm) i put my break fast which is 2 Cheese sandwiches ((fa6ayer jeben)) into what suppose to be a MICROWAVE and i set it for 5 min. then i went to pray, After i finished praying here what i got:


My sandwiches got BURNED !


The sandwiches got STUCK to the plate and u can see what happen to the plate.

Now the question is:

Does the microwave usually break dishes ?? Because i’ve asked my mom about this issue and she told me this only happened in the oven not a microwave.


Here a picture of my small microwave it looks like a normal microwave isnt it ?




Kids! don’t try this at home!

looks about right and ready for the oven..

getting started!
Pizza-Getting started

looks good! yummm..
Pizza-looking good


oh well
Pizza-Burned & Eaten

I was hungry!


My laptop is in a coma at the moment (since yesterday). it finally gave up. I’m gonna take it to an Apple shop to fix it.

I’m currently using my friend’s Macbook. I still can’t believe how he didn’t hesitate for second when I jokingly asked him to lend me his laptop! he said yes immediately…

all I wanna say now is, Thank You! Thanks a lot dear loco.

Note to loco: your screen is amazing!!!! (BAL!)





What a nice way to cover these wires .. ((sij 3ella mat3aref wain etwadehoom)) and as u can see below its got a sticker so no need for a glue.


If ur still interested here is the LINK for more info. & Pics.


I was in my apartment the other day watching tv. my computer was sitting peacefully on its own tray when I decided to lift the tray from the table and bring it close to my lap. thats when it happened… this is so hard to talk about *cries* my laptop slipped from the tray and fell… yes fell to the table!! and things aren’t the same ever since!

the computer at first was acting weird and producing some weird noises, then it froze for like 10 minutes and finally it stopped working and was like (………….), nothing, no sound no nothing. I tried restarting it but the cursor refused to move. so I pressed the power button until the screen went BLACK.

The next 3 hours were one of the worst hours in human history! the computer wouldn’t startup and whenever I manage to turn it on, a very tiny question mark would appear in the middle of the screen…. I kept restarting for 3 hours. no results. and just when I was about to give up, it sprung back to life. poor little computer. now it takes me a MINIMUM of 20-30 minutes to start it up after each shutdown (it won’t comeback after sleep-mode so I have to shut it down each time).

20-30 minutes for a start up! can you imagine that? looking at the symptoms, one can conclude that the laptop is suffering from a major memory lose and schizophrenia (faqad ithakera), it forgot what it is and now it thinks its a windows!

Marvin the Martian    
This is what Marvin had to say about the ongoing issue



Simple .. Look if your gasoline gage on the right then your car gasoline hole will be on the right wel3ax sa7ee7 ! BTW ana men el ashkhaaasely sij kent a3aneey !



Here an actual picture of my car u can see at the bottom left there is an icon of gasoline and an arrow pointing to the left and YES its in the left.



Guys Today Officially $1 equals KD 0.277 !!! ((Remember old days $1 = KD 0.295)) So hurry up order from or even better

Here is the links to order:

Amazon , Apple

P.S. Sij a7eb el makhaseeeer 😛


Posted By Yousef


Is there anyone left who haven’t had a problem with Aramex? I assure you, there are NONE! Every person with the slightest interest in having their packages arrive on time, as promised, must’ve had a problem with this company. Either because of their below zift customer service or their nonexistent sense of time!

just 2 days ago, I received an email from them telling me they’re going to raise their rates here in the emirates too. First Kuwait now the emirates. I’ve never ever seen a company that thrives with bad feedbacks! And now they think they’re entitled for a raise??

Anyway, I was reading their email and one thing just made me real mad. Our goal at SHOP&SHIP is to provide the highest level of quality & customer service while offering the best shipping options available.

One thing led to another, and I ended up replying to them with the following:

your goal is not to provide the highest level of quality and customer service. the only thing you aspire to is to do a mediocre job and cash in on your temporary novelty!

I based my negative opinion because of the following:

1-You never delivered a package without calling me and taking my whole address all over again. each time there is a package, your guys call me and let me instruct them and give every detail about where I live. (you’d think they’d refer to their past delivery details. but I guess thats “Good enough” service for you).

2-Whenever there is a problem, I either wait a very long time on hold & transfers between your personnel, or there is absolutely no one in the shop and ship department.

3-One time you lost my package, I’ve waited a very long time for it to arrive with NO luck, finally I complained, and they told me to bring something to prove my purchase, and so I did. they compensated me eventually… then… around 3 months later, my lost package magically arrived!

4-And after all this, you email me saying you’re gonna raise your rates???? and you actually wrote in the email that your goal is highest quality and customer service?!?REALITY CHECK ASAP!!!



As i mentioned in Yousef’s last post that my car was hit by stranger ((7esbeyalah 3alaih !)). So today i was in the police station to get the requested paper to fix the company car legally.

The story begins here .. the police man ((elthab6)) send me to the ((elkhabeer el faney)) so he can analise the accident if it is done by some body else or me, the normal way is: that person must come to my car which was parked in front of the police station and examine it. I stopped at his door and asked him to come with me to see my car (( i repeat again this is the NORMAL procedure like calling an auto accident lawyer in Boston-if your involved in car accident on a freeway or anywerlse contact to get perfect solution for you case )) what he asks me to do is to go to my car and take a picture with my mobile and send it to his mobile via bluetooth then he WILL DECIDE ! We were 3 at his office and every one of us went to his car and captured his car and came back again. kel hatha 3ayaaaaaaaaaaaaaz !!! wala 3aib.


Posted By: Yousef.

I had subway for dinner today. I ate 3 different 6″! chicken teriyaki, steak & cheese AND B.M.T. which stands for Best meat tatse! thats one hell of a misleading name for a sandwich, it was awful! after that I took my the last antibiotic capsule I have left…does this mean I should be feeling good and cured by now? not necessarily!

anyway, I had a very strong craving for some dessert right afterward! now the one thing that is known about my eating habits, is that I don’t like/care for dessert that much. but this time it was a bit weird! I was looking all around for some chocolates!

and look what I’ve found in the fridge!


and its finally the WEEKEND!! I must be in heaven! 😀



Simply Dubai.




Where is that sound coming from?!

after much searching and looking around I finally found the source of that annoying sound! the bathroom is leaking. and not any kind of leak, it was leaking from the ceiling! but wait there is more, the water is actually coming from the light bulb in the bathroom’s ceiling!

I called the doorman/janitor and told him about it. he said it must be coming from the A/C’s machine, which is located right above that ceiling. he told me he’s going to call the A/C’s company and that they’re going to be here first thing in the morning.