We went to lebanon this past weekend. We had fun and did a lot of things in a very short period of time. It was quick but we needed such a getaway. Below you’ll see 20+ random pictures I took while I was there.
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I was invited by friends the other day to go to Jaber stadium, to take pictures of the first match to take place there. Ofcourse it’s an unofficial match between friends, but nevertheless, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.

The stadium is big and beautiful (I thought it would be bigger though), plenty of parking space and many gates to let the cars in, and many ticket kiosks scattered around the parking area. I think they did a good job avoiding future congestions.
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Do you remember my post about painting with light? It’s all about having a camera where you control it’s shutter speed, a torch and some creativity. check out my old post, it was fun.

Well now a french designer, Aissa Logerot, designed a torch that look like a spray can for an added graffiti-effect. I think it’s very clever!

Thanks Amani


taking pictures under water in Kuwait kubbar

I’m done with the Nitrox course and ready for Sharm AlSheikh, I also tried to use a camera underwater for the first time. I used my brothers digital camera and I have to say that I need a lot of practice! It’s extremely hard to take decent shots down there. You have no control over the distance between you and the thing you’re trying to shoot, no control over the lighting, and I can’t see the thing I’m shooting through the LCD screen! it’s pretty fuzzy down there.
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We went to Garoh island last weekend, it was my first time to go to Garoh, and let me tell you how would you feel if you ever went there:

1-On the way there and just before you get to the island, the sea will smell like you’re at a gas station. The sea reeks of gazoline. Big circles of transparent oils are floating everywhere. And just so you know, thats why it was called Garoh. Garoh is a word derived from Gar, which somehow meant Oil/Petrol long time ago.
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I enjoy using my Macro lens every time I get the chance, but its annoying when looking at the results. It doesn’t have the image stabilizing feature, so I always end up with shaky and blurry images. To deal with this major flaw, I make sure not to use this lens when there is no enough exposure and light. A sunny day would be a perfect opportunity to use this lens outdoors.
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I thought it was larger than the Avenues but its not, you can see more pictures below.

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Shot these pictures using my Canon 50mm f 1.8 lens in Chabd, Kuwait.
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Shot some ants carrying their lunch the other day. Used the 100mm Macro lens.
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Happy belated 25th and 26th of february to you all. I was at the chalet during this holiday and took many pictures of the foaming parades that took place in both Alzoor and Alkhiran.
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Again this was one of our Bahrain trip stops. The exhibition is held in Moda Mall. Billboards and decorations outside the mall were all about the Om Kalthoom exhibition and the music inside the mall was all Om Kalthoom’s. The exhibition was surprisingly small and the items were very few (aside from her photos) considering all the signs and flyers we saw about the thing. However, to be there and seeing her stuff was worth it.
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We were all at our friend’s yesterday, invited to his house for his melcha-dinner gathering. I don’t have much to say except congratulations (again) 🙂 and to show the rest of you some of the things we had for dinner..
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I’ve been invited by my friend HKR to the Voluntary work center’s photo exhibition that is taking place at the avenues phase II. The exhibition’s subject is general and for the members of the center to share their work with the public. People can also buy the pictures they like, they’re KD25 and KD35 with the frame.

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We were in Al Abdali for the new year’s and on our way back we stopped by Umm Al Aish for some pictures. It was very cold and windy over there, and we had to take a very bumpy and sandy road to reach the big dishes. We could’ve used the paved road but the thing is, we didn’t know it existed till after reaching the destination..


I read on this blog that: The Umm Al Aish station was built in 28-10-1969 and it was totally destructed by the Iraqis on 1990.

I’m annoyed at the fact that now, 19 years after the invasion, the government have decided to put an end to these beautiful buildings. They decided to tear them down and sell what is left of them. It’s like we can’t live without tearing all the old buildings in Kuwait down, like they’re doing this on purpose to take every little piece of history away from Kuwait.


Anyway.. We took many pictures and the place was totally worth it, so if you ever found yourself not too far from Umm Al Aish, you’ve got to check it out up-close.


Right after finishing from Prime and toast (previous post) I went to Soug wajif in almubarakiya. Soug wajif or Soug alhareem (Women’s market) is an old Kuwaiti soug where usually women would sit and sell traditional and women stuff.

Before going in I stood and took some pictures of the entry. This guy pictured above started hiding his face and asked me loudly not to photograph him. When I came closer I asked for the reason and he said “I don’t think my face is nice enough to be photographed.” I laughed and tried to convince him that there was nothing wrong with his face.. and we started talking. I asked him about the Soug and for how long he’s been working here.

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We were sitting in the shalaih bored and HKR was telling me about this technique where you can turn off the lights and start taking pictures of yourself drawing pictures in the dark using a flashlight.. (come again?) take a look.
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Our friends decided it was time for them to get to know the sharks a little better, so they went to the scientific center’s aquarium, signed some release forms (stating that the center won’t be held responsible if anything goes wrong), put on their diving gears and then dove right in. Me & HKR were there to document the experience with our cameras, you know, incase something interesting happens…
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We were back last friday and saturday at Althuba3iya’s mini runway and this time there were some new planes there. I was most excited to see them fly the Private Jet, the Cessna Citation, which after some googling turned out to be a real private jets’ company. Ali Mashinchy was there too, I was told He is a very famous and one of the best jet pilots out there and that he’d won some major awards doing this. We were blown away by his skills as soon as he started flying those jets. He put quite a show on.
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At the end of the day i will tell you what it is if no one figures it out 🙂


I really enjoyed reading your comments guys .. some of you made me really laugh today thanks a lot! but 

The ones who got it right are:

Eman, Mimi, Ja, A.M.S., Ali, Bo Fahad, noura and Om FasoOoL. IT IS a grain of sand ;)


This is my my first attempt of drop shooting .. I shot these pics with my macro lens but i didnt expect it to be at this level of difficulty. I got these two pictures out of almost 80+ pics! any suggestion ?