Going to the hospital all through last week in this country made me realize how lucky we are. We’re beyond lucky, We’re blessed and we don’t even know it.

We had to go to hospitals many times during last week and every hospital, doctor or waiting room we’ve seen (and smelt) was an eye opener to us all. Not only they’re understaffed, overcrowded, inefficient, stupid and retarded, but they also suffer from a serious lack of TIME-awarness! they don’t give a damn about the time the patients spend waiting inline. I mean.. we were in a hurry to get an injection, almost a routine injection, yet we had to wait inline for 3 hours just to get this done. 3 hours for a simple injection. Had the same thing happened in Kuwait we would’ve been in and out of the hospital in 10 minutes nut they required some tests to be ran so we were place in their hospital beds.

Nowadays is possible to bring help to any place that you want, thisย mobile medical trailer manufacturer creates mobile units with all the equipment that you need to take care of your patients.

The other hospital we’ve been to was something else, the doctor whom my brother waited so long to see was an english illiterate doctor. She knew nothing about english, english was an alien language to her. She couldn’t treat a goat if her life depended on it! let a lone a human being! which made my brother get up and leave, without getting the proper med care he waited hours for. Cardiology 3ย may prove very useful in such situations.

You can’t go and get treated for a flu, cold, fever, broken arm, broken neck without waiting inline for hours. and I literally means HOURS.

We’re very lucky we have aย Joint Pain Clinic in Greensboro, NC – QC Kinetix (Greensboro). Very. I’m not saying there is no room for improvement, I’m just saying that every once in awhile we need to stop and realize how fortunate we really are.


As promised, Goats Town! in all its glory ๐Ÿ˜› Its in France, near Chamonix. approx. 30 mins away from both Chamonix and Geneve. Its in a mountain where a city called Morzine is located nearby,ย The obscure place in which this Goat’s town reside is called Les Lindarets.

The town is pretty small and filled with, well, Goats. They lay and walk around freely, you can buy specially packaged food and feed them (rizg lig6awa) they pose and follow you whenever they spot the plastic bag, which contains their food, in your hand. sometimes, in not so rare cases, they hassle you and pull the plastic bag out of your hand, leaving you feeling both angry and silly.

They’re all gathered around this giant salt cube, licking it and there are many other cubes lying around the place from them to suck into. From what I understood, Goats love salt and they’d do anything to have their salt fix. In Kuwait I saw them licking the cement around their cage just coz it got some salt in it. They actually made a dent in the cement from all licking!

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A whole post dedicated to Goats’ town is coming up soon. ๐Ÿ™‚


Well, I hesitated for a bit before really going ahead and make this post, I didn’t want to show the extent to which I went to make the sky that shade of blue, or the grass that green.. not to mention the sun which I created from a scratch ๐Ÿ˜› But what the heck. Here are both photos, both in HDR but with no photoshopping whatsoever. promise. ๐Ÿ˜€

The Original Picture

The Photoshopped Picture

Can you tell the difference? They’re identical! getlekom mako farg ๐Ÿ˜›


Playing around again with photoshop and the camera. Click on the pic for a bigger version.




A picture of Evian’s lakeshore. (yep in HDR ๐Ÿ˜€ )

We went to Evian and I made sure this time to visit their source of free Evian water. They park their cars infront of this little water fountain and fill up their empty bottles, costing them nothing but the gas money to drive up to this place. which is very near the center of the town anyway.

It doesn’t stop running, 24/7. fisag.

These 2 ladies were there filling their bottles. I asked and they didn’t mind me taking pictures.

Me, pouring and refilling the bottle a hundred times ๐Ÿ˜€ and it was COLD! just the way I hate it.. makes my teeth ache.

This is the Evian water museum.

Samples of the bottles old and new and their entire collection of Evian products.

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We pay for the DSL service the whole year nonstop just to be able to enjoy the month or so we spend here without the need of interacting with their ISP (France Telecom). But they NEVER fail to let us down and they always meet our expectations of bad service and incompetency. As I said before in another post, the internet has been cut off, as of yet, for unknown reasons, and its been like this for 5 days now. No internet for 5 days, save for the random cafes and mcdonald’s here and there. Wifi begging is so not what I want to be doing while I’m on vacation. Allah yakhith il french o their service o takhalofhom!!!!

Note to Labeeba: your house is disconnected too. ๐Ÿ˜€

Posted from Migros.


The area where we’re staying are having some problems with the internet service and I’ve been cut off since yesterday. I can’t live without going online whenever I want to! I’m in Mcdonald’s now writing this post (Allah yadinya) I have only 30 minutes (7azarat ilfaranseyeen). I went to 2 nice places and took many pictures, I’ll post them whenever we get our internet back. for the time being I uploaded the picture above just coz it was my first decent pic of a bird. It’s flying over Lac Lรฉman, in Evian to be specific.


I wanted to use the Sigma lens yesterday and the sun was already fading away. Some pictures were much darker and I had to photoshop the hell out of them. I didn’t really like the end results, they were much better when I saw them in my camera’s screen than my laptop’s.




We went to Chamonix yesterday. There was lots of clouds everywhere so I couldn’t really take pictures of the mountains out there, Mont Blanc was there but we couldn’t see it. Mont Blanc’s peak (4,807 m) is the highest peak in all of western europe. I’ll leave you with the pictures now. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Found this on the ground the other day while I was taking pictures. I don’t really think its a rose, or a flower for that matter, I think its probably something that fell off a pine tree or something similar, But I always wanted to use the word “petrified,” ever since I saw Harry potter and heard this word for the first time. ๐Ÿ™‚




After 2 planes and a taxi we arrived at 9 something yesterday. We were all exhausted and wanted to sleep, but no, we had to get our rented car from europcar, and we did, then went to Gร‰ANT to stock up on everthing. Then finally returned back home, where I happily drifted out of consciousness.

I went outside, After taking a 2 hour nap, and took some pictures of the cherry tree near us. Labeeba, These pictures are for you ๐Ÿ™‚ I was planning on taking pictures of that tree even before anyone told me coz the cherries looked great!