Sometimes I just want to take a knife and rip my tonsils out with my hands and slit them off.
I’ve been sick on and off for over a month. It started with my birthday, and I’ve been having throat pains for a month now. I think I had 7 days without pains throughout the past month. i’ve gone through many strepsils and Chloraseptics and the damned thing isn’t going away!
Since I was little this throat thing have been my thing. I wanted to get rid of the tonsils 2 years ago and I went to a prominent Kuwaiti doctor, forgot his name, and he gave me a bunch of meds, but nothing helped. I remember him saying:
1-you gotta keep your nasal passages clear by using a drop (contains cortisone), you can’t have them blocked, coz thats when you get sore throats, when you overuse your mouth for breathing.
2-You’ve got to know how to sneeze, and thats by avoiding harsh exhales (I don’t know how he said exactly, but it was something along “latishla3 bala3eemik wenta ta36is”)
He didn’t do much. He then told me that even if we decided to remove your tonsils, that won’t solve the problem, you’d still get sore throat if the cause wasn’t totally your tonsils. Whatever thats supposed to mean.
I didn’t use any antibiotics till yesterday, I had to.
I might go to another doctor and see what I can do with my tonsils.