
We were in Spain the summer of 1990, we had a nice beginning for a very promising summer vacation. Then we headed to nice, we stayed at my uncle’s place, and that was when we got the news that Iraq have invaded Kuwait.
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“Hi… My name is Munchies. I Like to play fetch! Please be careful with me, I’m scared” this what was written on the dog box which INM saw yesterday when he was at the airport, it belongs to a western guy who got rejected by KLM airline coz they don’t ship animals on their airplane, and guess what? the guy also refused to travel with them since they reject his dog. since i’m not familiar with all this is it only KLM who rejects pets onboard ?
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It is very rare here in Kuwait to go to a restaurant and have the food turn out effortlessly fantastic. The restaurants in Bahrain are different, they were all amazing. I went to 3 different ones and every single one could put the best restaurants in Kuwait to shame with their amazing food and great chefs. You actually feel like there is someone in the kitchen coming up with their own recipes, unlike most restaurants in here.
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Phew! I just entered the house after a very busy trip to Bahrain. It feels like I’ve been running since thursday afternoon.
This trip was in the works for a long time, 2 weeks to be specific, but then at the beginning of last week it was kind of scrapped due to not being serious enough to book hotel room nor deciding on whether to go by car or plane. But then on wednesday, at 9:15pm, my friend decided to bring this trip up and insist on it. We looked at the time, 9:20pm, and decided there was still time to catch the quick service, to check up the car and prepare it for tomorrow’s trip. I changed the tires, the breaks, the front discs, the battery, among other stuff.. a’3la min bai3 ilsoog, I know. Everything was in a hurry, even the hotel was reserved on our way to Bahrain.
I don’t know why the way back to Kuwait feels much shorter than the way to Bahrain.. On our way there we were really bored and even felt like we might have lost our way coz it was so damn boring waiting to get there! It felt like downloading 500MB using a dialup! yeah thats exactly how it felt..
But hey, nevertheless, we had so much fun over there and I took many pictures to share with you guys. I’ll share them all once I get some rest.. I’m exhausted at the moment.

They’ve named it PSP Go, UMD-less, 16GB of internal memory, built-in Bluetooth and an undisclosed memory slot and expected to be released in June.

Since yesterday i cant get into Cinescape it keeps saying “The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.” 7asafa, I’m planning to go to Night at the museum 2, any one have a chance to book online? I’m using Zain’s connection. And by the way does the film worth it?
UPDATE: it seems Cinescape is down with Zain and Kems connections only

I think this is the time to buy Blackberry. These are some really good deals from Zain.
Thanks Sulaiman

The new Smart civil Ids are going to be distributed on June, according to AlRai newspaper’s source, firstly to Kuwaiti citizens to test it’s efficiency for a year, then start distributing it to the foreigners.
The cards will be distributed through automated machines located in The public authority for civil information (Alhay2a Al3amma lilma3lomat almadaniya). This card is going to help ease the traveling process between GCC countries and also help the governments track down those who are wanted by the law. It will include information about the person’s finger prints, birth certificate stuff, driver’s license and can also be used as an identification tool for banks.
They’re saying it’ll be ready by THIS coming june….
Thanks Khalid
Picture taken from Kuwaitpaperdump

^Click on it to view the bigger version
This is funny! and most probably is true 😛
Thanks 7antoosh

Yes, British Airways just announced that their upcoming long haul airplanes will not have first class, they’re gonna have only the Business and the Economy classes
From their site:
“The long-haul aircraft that we take delivery of this year will not have any first class cabins in them,” said Willie Walsh, BA’s chief executive. He insisted there was no direct link to the recession, but he added: “Longer term we will review the configuration of [all] new aircraft.” BA is also launching a service this year from Heathrow to Las Vegas, a prime destination for high-rollers, with no first class option.“
Thanks Ahmad

Both the issue of Kuwait’s legal right for compensation from Iraq for the damages caused by 1990 invasion, and the borders issue were raised again by Iraq’s Parliament members.
I don’t get how they can stand there and ask Kuwait to drop the money owed, as a compensation, for something as horrendous as what they as a country did less than 20 years ago.
They also want to re map the borders from their internationally recognized borders, to what they think is their “historic” locations, which is a thing that totally negates the united nations resolutions. They also said that Kuwait wants to get past the borders demarcation issue because Kuwait wants to exploits it’s neighbors natural resources as long as possible. They believe that Kuwait’s stance is holding Iraq down and is causing harm to both countries.
One MP said that we shouldn’t be too cocky to renegotiate the borders and the compensation issues, and that we also shouldn’t be too trustful of the US and our american connections, because the US is closer to them now, as an ally, than it is with Kuwait.
This is what MP Saleh AlMullah had to say when asked about the issue:
“the sovereignty of Kuwait is above all other considerations” And “The Idea of giving up an inch of the country or any of it’s financial or moral rights are not permissible at all.”
Aren’t you just mad at the accusations? I mean, couldn’t a country with less bad name and violent history accuse us of such things?!
SOURCE: And most Kuwaiti newspaper.

Just got the double colored BlackBerry cover from a guy who’s selling them for KD 5 each and they’re available for Curve 8900, BOLD 9000 and the old Curve 8300. You can contact or sms him 99531958 or email him at bb.dcovers@gmail.com. By the way they’re not silicon covers they’re in plastic, so they’re a little bit hard to remove from your BlackBerry.
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INM just brought with him a New Twix ,which is Twix White ,a mix of white chocolate, caramel and biscuit, limited edition,it was found in City Center , I don’t know if it available in any co-op .
Posted by BlackBerry

Maradona is going to launch his first sports cafe in Dubai sometime next year. The cafe is going to have an all football theme and is developed by “UAE property tycoon Sulaiman Al Fahim, architect of last year’s Manchester City takeover.”
Excerpts from the article:
“The café – modelled on the Planet Hollywood concept – will feature memorabilia from the Argentinean footballer’s career, and also include items from other soccer stars such as Brazilian heroes Pele, Zico and Dunga.
Maradona’s cousin Remigio Martin Maradona told Arabian Business: “It will be a football café featuring themes from many football greats, not just Maradona.
It will be dedicated to soccer, with screens showing World Cup goals, and shirts, balls, gloves and other items donated by people like Pele,” he added.”
Thanks loco

I found this article while I was not so busy at work today and I thought it got a lot of insight into the parents thinking and how they regard their children in terms of who’s their favorite..
I’ve always wondered if it is possible to love all your children the same amount, or care for them just the same, but it never occurred to me that the amount of love is not what should be in question, but the closeness, the preferences and the way parents view their children in terms of “who has the special and unbudge-able place in my heart” kind of status.
Personally, and from the incessant questions my mother endured about this subject, I think she cares the same for her 4 sons, since she included all of us in her insurance plan when she was searching for Life Cover Quotes.
But still it’s very intriguing! coz aside from this guy’s opinion, no parent gives you their honest opinion, except if you’re not close enough to their families (minimizing the chance of you spilling the beans to their relatives).
That was the case today when I asked my colleague about her favorite child.. She began by saying something along the lines of “I love them all the same, I’m crazy about the second child, and the 3rd one is just too adorable… bla bla bla..” but when I pressed on, she admitted that she preferred her first born more, and that she is more careful when dealing with her, coz it’s always an experiment with the first one, and that she can never refuse her first child anything. She also brought an interesting point to the table.. The grandparents! She said, my colleague, that the grandparents turn this first born child’s image into something extraordinary, being their first grandson, the amount of love showered upon this little person is overwhelming, so you can’t help but try and compete with your parents over who loves the child more, leaving the 2nd 3rd and 4th born children behind.
I think all parents have the same amount of love for their children, but I also think that the parents have their preferences and each has a favorite.
Read the article, it’s interesting, honest and funny (it is not the least bit funny if you were this guy’s 2nd born child).

Some were complaining that the video embedded wasn’t working so I took it down and put up a link instead.
From Reuters
“NEW YORK (Reuters) – An explosion on Monday damaged a coffee shop in New York, according to police who were investigating whether the blast was linked to earlier bombings at the British and Mexican consulates.
The small bomb explosion at about 3:30 a.m. EDT shattered windows and damaged a wooden sidewalk bench at a Starbucks on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, police said. The store was closed at the time, and no injuries were reported.”
Hopefully it’s just an off incident that had nothing to do with terrorist and us evil muslims. View a video of the news coverage HERE.
Be safe FAH 😛
Credit: Borashid’s sms service

Sound effects specialist Wayne Allwine, who followed in the footsteps of Walt Disney to provide the falsetto voice of Mickey Mouse for the past 32 years, has died aged 62.
Allwine is survived by his wife, Russi Taylor, who provides the voice of Minnie Mouse, and five children from previous marriages.
Thanks Fawaz

Its looks more like the series-7 and will be released in 2010, and gonna feature the following:
- skin-deep.
- 4.4L twin-turbo V8.
- transmission systems will include a six-speed manual and a six-speed Steptronic semi-auto gearbox.

It will be available here in Kuwait from late July.

It’s a good thing they’re addressing these kind of rumors which have been circulating for ages. I think its starbucks time now, they too should respond to these rumors and address them.
You know, now that I’m talking about it, I don’t really know if Starbucks’ rumor is actually a rumor to begin with..
Thanks loco