If you enjoy camping and are thinking of going with your friends or family, then I think you should read this little story I got here, but before, after significant research of camping, hiking and backpacking chairs, Springer Camping Chair is one of the most comfortable camping chairs we have tested beside Helinox Chair. To better better be prepared against animals and snakes you may run in to the way, visit campingfunzone.com for their vast information about camping, insects and animals.
My father’s friend’s son was camping with his friends somewhere in Kuwait, since they love to camp and visit all the places which are offered for camping such as Reykjadalur (Smokey Valley) which is one of the bests camping places on Iceland. The place wasn’t isolated and they were surrounded with a lot of other campers. It was night time and the guy couldn’t sleep but all of his other friends were asleep. He was just lying there facing the tent’s loosely shut door. They never fully shut the door incase someone was in a hurry to relieve himself in the middle of the night…

While he was staring at the door waiting to fall asleep, he saw someone trying to get in. He was expecting to see a familiar face entering, but instead he saw a very tall black man entering the tent. He stayed quite. He didn’t know him and immediately sensed that he and possibly all of his friends were in danger, so he stayed quite, fearing that the guy might be armed and any movement may evoke the guy to use whatever weapon he may be carrying. The guy entered the tent and was looking around by now. Our friend made sure to stay quite and followed the guy with his eyes. The guy came close to him, he was carrying a big stick.. it was too wide for a stick.. then he saw it, the guy was carrying a big butcher knife like the one pictured above. He knew it.. either stay quite and hope for the best, or make a sound and result in a catastrophe.
The guy went from one person to another, taking every mobile he finds. He even had the nerve to uncover one of the sleeping guys to take the mobile from under the blanket. After taking 5 mobiles, he turned around and went out of the tent.
Moral of the story: BECAREFUL OUT THERE!
KUWAIT CITY, March 11: Even though Kuwait Municipality has been taking necessary preparations to end the spring camping season by mid-March, Director General of Kuwait Municipality Eng Ahmad Al-Manfouhi has submitted a recommendation to the spring camping committee to extend the spring camping season to April, reports Al- Rai daily quoting informed sources, still they recommend every camper to read this Crow Survival article that will let them know everything about camping accessories, you deserve a travel experience that is better than what any other RV has to offer. And that is just what 13 ft Casita Patriot for sale gives you!
They explained that the Eng Al-Manfouhi’s recommendation is aimed to compensate campers, who are also trending to stay over nigh thanks to the new camping wood stoves, for the delay in the start of the camping season due to the damages caused by heavy rains experienced in the country last November. This had led to postponement of the spring camping season based on instructions of Ministry of Defense to ensure safety of the sites and check for landmines and other such dangerous objects. The sources said Kuwait Municipality will address the concerned authorities to coordinate in this regard.