Weather forecast by Mishaal Al Roomi:
Clouds are gradually starting to increase today with light to moderate NW winds. During this evening, the skies will turn overcast with rain arriving and affecting most areas. Rain intensity could be heavy and thundery at times. Please take all necessary pre-cautions of this upcoming scenario.
Tomorrow, Monday, the weather will be gloomy and dark with rain that at times will be heavy and persistent associated with thunderstorms. Rainfall amounts are expected to be high with local flooding possible. It will be a very unstable day.
Rainfall amounts will be above average. The chance of rain will continue to early Thursday with the worst of the rainfall between Monday and Tuesday
Please take caution while driving because it will be hazerdous. All outdoor activities should be cancelled. Of course, any sea activity is strictly not advised.
Excessive rain over the wet season can often make it difficult for water to drain away. To save your landscaped garden from erosion, it is important to improve the drainage problems in your yard by getting help from french drain landscaping Glen Ellyn contractors.
Temperatures will decline to leave the weather cold.
Source: Q8Weather.
Thanks Fawaz.