


Do you think we’ll have delivery service in Kuwait any time soon?

Thank you loco for the picture.


This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 13th, 2007 at 12:28 am

9 Responses to “Bahrain’s Mcdonald’s”

  1. inm says:

    I believe so cause as i remember its the same company ( same owner )

  2. INTER-DE-MILANO says:

    chaaan zaaaaain !!! teslaaam eedeeek ya a7laa loco :Pp

  3. Mishary says:

    Yousef, tara in kuwait fee bas bas 7ag el reyoog o el offices !

  4. Hamad says:

    fe mac delivery bike ams shifta.. bas from morning to 5pm in kw city only

  5. Yousef says:

    inm I think you’re right, its the same owner, but that doesn’t mean same services and products. tadry ina 3endehom chickent fillet teshbah chicken royal malat burgerking.. o mayaboha ilkuwait.. ya3ny moshar6.

    Mishary saj, bs hatha bs 7ag theech ilmana6aqa o 7ag offices.. still not a real delivery service.

    Hamad when you say Kuwait city, do you mean all of kuwait city? wila jihat il offices bs? coz I think its only for the offices..

  6. pumkinah says:

    ra7ma mn allah mako delivary 3ndena bl q8 wela chan enfejrna o g3dna !

  7. Yousef says:

    pumkinah ibhathy sajjah wallah! 😀

  8. Moey says:

    there is in jordan as well.

  9. Yousef says:

    Moey really?! lucky jordanians!