

Posted By Mishary.


Yes its confirmed Apple will announce in the couple of days the new update which is v1.1.3 here are the new things:


* Google Maps can now display the Hybrid map view
* You can now drag and drop application icons on your home screen.
* The home screen supports pagination.
* You can now add web bookmarks to your home screen .
* The ability to send an SMS message to multiple people.
* Google Maps application can now pinpoint your location using cell tower triangulation .


* Will LOCK YOUR iPhone again !

* Cant be down graded to 1.1.2 or 1.1.1 to be unlocked.

* cant be activated for Installer.app so no hacked software in 1.1.3


This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 1st, 2008 at 1:06 am

7 Responses to “iPhone New Update”

  1. destogate says:

    thanks for the update. do we know if turbosim or stealthsim will work on this? the feature i relish the most is the triangulation. security experts will agree how important htis can be.

  2. […] Ste wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt […]

  3. loco says:

    ya3ny 7ag el 7ara !!!! enshooof wa ma negdar ensawy shay 🙁

  4. […] Here’s another interesting post I read today by Mishary […]

  5. Rusty says:

    1.1.2 was jailbroken before it was even released, despite the anti-jailbreak attempt in it. I run a jailbroken 1.1.2 touch but it looks from this update that 1.1.2 is as far as we’re gonna get. Hopefully the repo I use to get the iPhone apps (like Maps, Mail, etc.) will be updated to get the 1.1.3 stuff like that.

  6. passa says:

    when ll it legally be saled in uae?