

the Snap Capp is something very special, and yet is so simple. Simply put, the Snap Capp is “a plastic re-closable top designed to snap onto virtually all 12 and 16 ounce aluminum beverage cans”.
The Snap Capp also comes in handy on picnics or other outdoor outings. You may have noticed that when an open can is left out in the open, bees and other bugs sense the sugar and love to fly in.

Here how it works .. i think its pretty smart idea!


You should be able to pick up 3-packs for around KD2.600 HERE but its still not available 😛


Thanks INM


According to one of our readers they are available HERE.

Thanks DVLz


This entry was posted on Thursday, May 29th, 2008 at 12:42 am

No Responses to “Get a Snap Capp”

  1. DVLz says:

    Many products may not be available at the main store or manufacturer, but if you try retailers or outlets your going to find it. Try this one


    If your looking for similar products you may wanna take a look at these


  2. Mishary says:

    DVLz WOW ! i’ve updated the post thanks 😛