Just got it from them:

يسر وزارة الخارجية، وبمناسبة قرب حلول عيد الفطر المبارك وموسم السفر، أن تعلن لمواطني دولة الكويت عن إطلاقها لخدمات تقنية نوعيّة مجانية وذلك ابتداءً من اليوم الثلاثاء الموافق7/9/2010

وإستجابةً للتطورات التقنية المتسارعة، وإسهاماً منها في التيسير على المسافرين من مواطني دولة الكويت ومراجعي بعثاتها في الخارج وسرعة تواصلهم مع السفارات، وفّرت وزارة الخارجية لمستخدمي أجهزة الـ I Phone ، الـ I Pad و الـ I Pod ميزة الإنزال المجّاني للبرنامج المعنون “Ministry of Foreign Affairs State of Kuwait” عن طريق الـAPP Store للإستفادة من تطبيقاته وخدماته المتعددة التي تُرشد المستخدم إلى البعثة الدبلوماسية المراد الوصول إليها وذلك عن طريق خدمة تحديد الموقع، إضافةً إلى عنوان البعثة الدبلوماسية (سفارة / قنصلية) وساعات دوامها الرسمي وهواتفها وبريدها الإلكتروني

كما إن من شأن البرنامج أن يُؤمِّن استلام مواطني دولة الكويت لآخر الإرشادات الخاصة بالسفر والأخبار والتنويهات الصادرة عن وزارة الخارجية، مما يكفل الإطلاع الفوري على المستجدات والإحاطة المباشرة بها، وذلك في سابقةٍ تُعد الأولى من نوعها على نطاق الخدمات المقدمة من وزارات الخارجية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط.
و تعد النسخة المطروحة نسخة تجريبية حيث يمكن لمستخدميها التواصل مع الوزارة عن طريق البريد الالكتروني “i.mofa@mofa.gov.kw ” في حال وجود اي ملاحاظات و اقتراحات بشان الخدمة.

Thumbs up, a good move by the ministry.


I just learned that he’s got one. It’s decent, lots of information in his biography section.. Did you know that Darb Alzalag was the first colored tv production in the gulf? I just did! and that he has many plays (masra7iyat) from the early 60’s that weren’t recorded? How about how he go discovered as a potential comedian by Zaki Tulaimat totally by accident?

I think it’s a great source of information about this great actor. Check it out

Thanks Fawaz


We were at P.F. Chang’s the other day and the nice manager over there told us they’ll be opening a new branch in Kuwait soon. It’ll be located right next to the Corniche Club, in the ‘red building’. She told us that the new branch is a big one, 2 levels, and according to her it’ll look amazing.

Opening date: 14th of december 2010.


If you’re crazy enough, and interested, this number could be yours today!

Thanks Fawaz


The Kuwaiti notes from dinars to twenties, enclosed and presented like checks for Eid elfitir (Real Cash). It would’ve been a hit in my opinion if it wasn’t for the Central Bank of Kuwait rejecting the idea. However I was told that even if this was made available, it would’ve been available to select clients in KFH, VIPs Altamayoz’s clients and such.. I was also told that quite a few people got their hands on these checks/3ayady before they were rejected by the Central Bank.


^The KD1 notes

Thanks HalfCreamMilk


Yesterday we had Live Love Chocolate as our sweet after the fotoor, we’ve ordered 2 kind of molten cake, the first one was the chocolate molten cake and the other one called cheese molten cake, If you want to see both of them click the link below.

Attention: Since we’re still in Ramadan, mouth watering pictures are ahead.

Read the rest of this entry »


I just placed my first ever order with Taw9eel, and I’m gonna try OGO water for the first time ever, too. I know it most probably would taste like tap water, but I coulnd’t help it, I was lured in by the image on Taw9eel.com’s pages. I also got 9 Perrier.

I’m thirsty.. Can you tell?



This piece of news cracked me up!

Russell Stuart, 51, was woken when he heard his Peugeot car being revved up on his driveway in the early hours. Mr Stuart ran outside, opened the passenger door and sat beside the thief – not realising he had forgotten to get dressed.

“I said to him, ‘all right mate, where are we going then?‘ And he jumped out of the car and legged it. I don’t know what the guy must have thought when a large naked bloke got into the car next to him, but when your car is being stolen you don’t think about it, you just react.” As soon as the thief saw Stuart, he flung the door open and made a run for it.

Mr Stuart drove around the town looking for the thief but, still naked, gave up after a while in case he got pulled over for indecent exposure.



I’m Speechless.

Read the rest of this entry »


It going to cost you only KD 36,000 for a single tire, if you’re really looking for it then click HERE to go to Amazon.com


UEFA banned the vuvuzela from all stadiums hosting UEFA matches. Reason being, aside from the annoying noise it creates, is that the vuvuzela is deeply associated with the South African’s football culture and it’s association with the last world cup would make it’s appearance in europe ‘inappriopriate’.

Great decision. I mean having to sit through game after game with friends is torture, but having to sit through that horrid noise throughout every match is a tad too much.



It’ll premiere on the 8th of november. I love this guy!


Remember the Modern Naydiya flip flop post that I did? I was very excited about getting them then very disappointed by it’s quality and all. Here is what Capital District Kuwait had to say about it in the comments section:

“Thank you for your comments.. i am the wife of the owner of CDK, and we do apologize, for the quality of the flip flops.. but when we got the samples of the flip flops they were amazing..and when we received them, they turned out to be like that. and this was our 1st time to ever do flip flops.. please bare with us. i assure you all if we do flip flops again, it will be a better standard than that….and Yousef as soon as we do our new flip flops we will send you one for free and give us your feedback..However, I thank you all for your concerns and and comments.. we will not let you down again
Good Day”

I like when people acknowledge mistakes and offer compensation, it takes all the negativity away. This is how things should be like when you’re in a competitive environment.

Capital District




Zain's African Assets

Just got a phone call from them telling me they offer me a list of new numbers which begins with 909 for free and they will deliver it to my home thats because of the loyalty program, I’ve choose 90999x1x the X also the same number. Really thank you guys for giving me that gift.