


Few mins. ago i got an email from Jazeera Airways stating that the two seats will cost u price of one so i think this offer is good for u guys who’s in Dubai.

You can make the reservation Here.


This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 31st, 2007 at 1:16 am

No Responses to “Jazeera Airways Offer !”

  1. loco says:

    walla 5oosh shay! ye6la3 30KD 350 DHS 7ag el wa7eed! zin

  2. Yousef says:

    Mishary we can’t come back before the finals…takhayyal

  3. Mishary says:

    yalla and its the final inshalla 🙂

  4. Hamad says:

    yousef yamdy ayey dubai ? weekend ya3ni rabi3na yabon lebanon bel 3eed w el3eed ekoon after entekhabat el re’asa wil 3omir 3azeeez w eltethebe7 ehnak zayed fa ayey dubai wila aro7 lebanon bel ejaza ?

    wiilllaaaa milaaaan ?

  5. Yousef says:

    Hamad inta ma3a 7athik hal ayam i7temal tenfejer ibdarik! fog hatha tfaker troo7 lebanon? yoba ta3al 3indy hneeee a7sanlik! inwadeek il7alaq winsharbik karak o horlex 😀 (wayid i’3ra’at lol)