

Kids! don’t try this at home!

looks about right and ready for the oven..

getting started!
Pizza-Getting started

looks good! yummm..
Pizza-looking good


oh well
Pizza-Burned & Eaten

I was hungry!


This entry was posted on Saturday, November 3rd, 2007 at 11:04 pm

No Responses to “A Pizza Gone Bad”

  1. Mishary says:

    Hehehehehehehehehe wala el ghorbaa shainaaa !! 😛

  2. loco says:

    :S lish 7a6eeet.ha lish ??? hathy ashya2 etfasheeeel 😛 bas tara shawagatny awal shay haha 😛

  3. Mishary says:

    etsadgooon pic no. 3 etshaweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg !!!!

  4. Yousef says:

    ana ikteshaft ina a93ab shay bil’3orba ohwa frag il6abakh!

  5. Nameless says:

    Allaaaah! Pizza im7amisha!

  6. […] Similar what did to Yousef. Today morning (my morning starts @ 12:00 pm) i put my break fast which is 2 Cheese sandwiches ((fa6ayer jeben)) into what suppose to be a MICROWAVE and i set it for 5 min. then i went to pray, After i finished praying here what i got: […]

  7. INTER-DE-MILANO says:

    yoyo ba3ad call dominos ow rayee7 balik laish hal 3abalaah !! shteswa 3aleek al7een 😛

  8. pumkinah says:

    hathy afro pizza 😛

  9. Yousef says:

    Nameless lol a bit too m7amisha for my taste 😛

    INTER kint 3alabo ba’3ayyer ya3ny! 😛 masiwat 3alay!

    pumkinah LOL! good one! 😀