

Posted By Mishary.


Today INM passed this question to me and i figured out the number. i just want to share it with u guys. Now lets see.. There is a bus with 7 children inside, Each child has 7 bags, Inside each bag there are 7 Big cats, Each big cat has 7 small kittens and ofcourse each car has four legs. Now, How many legs are there in the bus?

Please answer the question in the comments section and I’m gonna provide the right answer in the next couple of days, just wanna know how many can solve it


Touché was the first to answer correctly!

And here is the explanation for those who need it:

7 kids x 7 bags = 49 bags

49 bags x 7 big cats each = 343 big cats
343 big cats x 4 legs each = 1372 big cat legs

343 big cats x 7 kittens = 2401 kittens
2401 kittens x 4 legs = 9604 kitten legs

7 kids x 2 legs = 14 kids legs

1372 big cat legs + 9604 kitten legs + 14 kids legs = 10990 legs.

There is no driver on the bus.


This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 13th, 2008 at 12:10 am

12 Responses to “How Many Legs?”

  1. loco says:

    408 ! 😛 ma3a sayeeg el bas tara 😛

  2. Mishary says:

    loco Hehehehehehe ok what about the eryool el yahal ? 😛

  3. pink says:

    😉 bus got no legs

  4. blasha says:

    jawabta a week ago, mali mazaj a7asib

  5. ryo0omah says:

    14 for the children
    28 the cats
    196 kittens
    No thing for the bus cause the Q was about legs inside the bus..
    or.. it maybe 0 if you r askin about the bus’s legs

  6. Mishary says:

    ryoOomah don’t count the bus legs im asking about every thing inside the bus even the driver of the bus dont include it in ur calculation

  7. Mishary says:

    uturn Nop 😛 it must be 5 digits XXXXX 😛

  8. Flana says:


  9. Touché says:

    You should start figuring out how many are there on the bus and then multiply them by their equivelant number of legs,

    7 kids = 14 legs
    Big cats = 7 kids * 7 bags * 7 big cats = 343 * 4 legs = 1372 legs
    Small cats = 343 big cats * 7 = 2401 * 4 legs = 9604 legs
    Total = 14 + 1372 + 9604 = 10990 legs

  10. Mishary says:

    Touché Ur right ! 🙂

  11. Allie says:

    The easiest way to do this math problem is to find out how many legs is there with just 1 girl than mutilply that by 7.

    1 Girl – 2 legs
    Big cats-196 legs Together it equals 1570
    kittens-1372 legs Multiply that by 7 and you would get
    10,990 feet
    For more awesome riddles just like this go to mathriddle.com