Posted By Mishary.
The Egyptian woman called Amal Solaiman Afifi desire to enter the field “Alma’athoneya” to become the first Arab and Muslim woman working in this area which was restricted to men only, ya3ni bedal mayamlechlek rayaal now it will be female! khalas now its officially approved in Egypt. ya7lailha tabi etwafeg rasain bel 7alal 😛
Elma’athona with her family 🙂
edaaaad! ma 5alaw shay el me9arwah 😛
loco mesakeeeen za7maa yaboon ay shay yeshtaghloon feeeh !! 😛
Is it 7alal?
eshda3wa Based on their talks its 7alal 🙂
okhhh 😛 tnf3 walah 😛 wagt il 7aja loool dont get me wrong 😛
elba6ala w matsawy.. bel qahira bas fe 2 million shakhs ba6ali bedon shighil atwaqa3 ba3ad sentain tesma3 ena fe wa7da teshtighil thalaja
7emdillah 3ala kel 7al