

Posted By Mishary.


I like things that glo. I hate waking up. Maybe if I had one of these glo Pillows I’d get up in the morning feeling neutral instead of murderous. The foam pillow works as an alarm clock, and an internal grid of LEDs begins to glow about 40 minutes before it’s set to wake you up. The idea is that a slow and gentle increase in light will bring you out of sleep more naturally. Sounds good in principle, but I hope it has some kind of emergency photonic disruptor mode that kicks in after I pound the snooze button for the twelfth time. 🙂


More info click HERE.


This entry was posted on Friday, March 14th, 2008 at 5:25 pm

No Responses to “Glo Pillow Wakes You Up Gently”

  1. blasha says:

    ok, thas freaky!!!!

  2. Yousef says:

    I was going to. but the more i read about it and the controversy its created the more creepy it got!

  3. Mishary says:

    blasha Hatha ekhare3! chena makhlooq fatha’ey!?

  4. Yousef says:

    U know what? i’ll post about it! bs 3ashan akhari3 bajy lawadim 😛 coz khara3ny jad ana

  5. […] Mishary Made an interesting post today on somecontrast.comCheck it out: […]

  6. blasha says:

    ana ma nemt lma chift il video 🙁

  7. Peony says:

    thats just too freaky…