

Posted By Yousef


This site should be bookmarked by ALL of You out there! Its an online directory for lots of useful telephone numbers. It contains MANY categories! you can go through their MANY categories, select one, click search and it will show lots of the shops within that category.

Take a look and judge for yourself. I’m gonna bookmark it for sure. ๐Ÿ˜€



Turned out we have 3 more online directories in Kuwait, Thanks Mr. Solutions for sharing them with us. Here they Are:

-And last but not least, or maybe it is least i’m not sure, KOCD


This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 4th, 2008 at 4:02 am

6 Responses to “Kuwait’s Online Telephone Directory”

  1. useful site and I’ve bookmarked it already mean while I have these sites already in my bookmark just want to share it with you all.

    Kuwait Yellow Pages

    Kuwait’s Online Commercial Directory

    THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF KUWAIT YELLOW PAGES (I don’t know why we have two Yellow Pages!!!)

  2. Big Pearls says:

    I was looking for a telephone directory two days ago..very useful..thanks.

  3. Yousef says:

    Mr. Solutions Thanks a lot for the links! i’m gonna update the post to include them ๐Ÿ˜€

    Big Pearls Ur welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. […] Kuwaitโ€™s Online Telephone DirectoryPosted By Yousef. This site should be bookmarked by ALL of You out there! Its an online directory for lots of useful telephone numbers. It contains MANY categories! you can go through their MANY categories, select one, click search and … […]

  5. Roddyyw says:

    well done, man

  6. mashael says:

    Are there any website for a Kuwait White Pages.. you know, search for people’s home phone numbers not business/commercial??