
A few months ago INM decided to add some flavor to his MB so he did some search and ended up in this site which specialized in laptop avatars, or laptop skins as some call it. They have many categories like nature, sports among others. He decided to go with the zebra and this is what he got.

Its a real nice sticker for the back of your laptop’s screen, printed in a real high quality material. esara7a i didnt expect it to look this good. it looked like it was fixed there by a professional.
For more info and to order click HERE.
Thanks INM.

Mariah is doing a concert in Dubai in around 2 weeks, on the 15th of May to be specific, followed by a concert by Fergie on the 16th.
“Music fans can enjoy a double helping of diva in Dubai with confirmed concert dates for the world’s number one-selling female artist Mariah Carey and former Black Eyed Peas Fergie.
Universal Music has this week confirmed the world-renowned artists will perform at Dubai Festival City with back-to-back concerts on May 15 and 16.
Promoting her new album, E=MC², which this week hit the top of the Billboard charts, Carey will perform first on Thursday, May 15, followed by Fergie the following evening.
Ticket prices have not yet been announced but are expected to go on sale online at either www.timeouttickets.com or www.showbizme.com from tomorrow.
Rebecca Brianceau, of Universal, Dubai, said the label was extremely excited to be bringing two such wonderful artists to Dubai back-to-back. “We are so excited about the concerts and cannot wait to welcome the ladies to the UAE. We are expecting great things on both nights.”
The venue holds a capacity crowd of 15,000 and tickets for both concerts are expected to sell out in a matter of days.”
As of now, if all went well and nothing serious stood in my way, I’ll be going o chinnnnnnaa il3eeeeeeed! 😀
Source: MD & Gulf News

My friend had this nice ice cream (above) in italy last summer and it looked really special mostly coz of the novelty factor imo.

But I have good news for you guys (minus good), Its available in Kuwait now. Somewhere in Hawally, I’ve been told.
Thank you loco for the 1st pic and Kuwait & FoOD for the 2nd pic.
Its in Hawally near GUST and its called 3alam il ice cream (Ice cream world). “they say its not as good as it looks.”
Thank you Om FasoOoL for the information 🙂

Is it REAL? Have anybody tried it? I think this will help Tarsheed with their campaign 😛
Thanks INM

This is the tracking section in my dashboard. Do you know whats the best part of ordering something online? It’s when you track it to your mailbox and once it’s in there you start calling Aramex or USWS and start annoying them to ship it! amoooot 3al 7annaa ana ! 😛

The Crêpe Café will be opening soon in Kuwait. Its a crêperie that serve pancakes, waffles, crêpes as well as omelets. Their food and desserts revolve around crêpes.
Opening soon in 2 locations:
- Avenues Mall – May 2008 (Phase 2 i think).
- Raya Plaza – July 2008.
Esara7a I didn’t try them before but im going to give them a shot inshallah when they open.
For their menu and more information click HERE.
Thanks to ANM

Now guess! 😛

“Apple on Monday updated its iMac family with the latest Intel Core 2 Duo Penryn mobile processors and the most powerful graphics ever available in the all-in-one desktop line.
With prices starting at just $1,199, the new iMacs also include 6MB L2 cache, a faster 1066 MHz front-side bus, and 2GB of memory standard in most models (expandable to 4GB).”
Read more on AppleInsider.

Remember few months ago i posted the estimated price of our domain? our domain was worth a mere $100 just back then, guess how much it increased?! 😛 😛 ITS $2,010! we doubled.. ay doubled! multiply by 20!

In less than three months we went from $100 to $2000 which is SO GOOD! 😛
Thank you guys for supporting us! 😛
This picture was shot a week ago and posted here.

And this one here was taken last night lol! Good for them 😛

Thank you Fahad.
Its the port number! Change the port number!

I called Zain many times even went to their branches and talked to lots of sales agents and their technical support department.. All with no luck of finding a solution to the not being able to receive emails through email clients (Outlook, Mail…etc) problem.
This weekend when we were talking about this problem, Hamad told me something about changing the port, then Khalid told me that he’s been using Ego with no such problem, He also said something about the port number. Finally he gave me the port number he’s been using and.. just like that.. it worked!
My Gmail, Mac and personal domain all worked with outgoing server port #587. 😀
Thanks a lot Khalid!
Note: If this doesn’t help, you will most probably find This post helpful.

I came back from the shalaih around 6pm and was exhausted from racing and avoiding cars on Fhaiheel highway. I went directly to my room to find this bag on the ground near the door, I looked at it and didn’t know what it is, I assumed it belonged to Mom so I went to bed and lied down. As I was lying there I kept looking at the bag near the door, it looked familiar, I can read Kodak and I see Ashraf is written there too.. “what a coincidence! I was there just 2 days ago” I thought. Then suddenly my eyes 😯 as it sunk in, and in less than a second I found myself standing over the bag looking down, trying to take a peek at whats inside.

It was gift-wrapped and backpack-shaped! This means that someone read my post and in less than 48 hours bought the bag for me, wrapped it and sent it??? 😀 I wanna know who did this! I took it out and placed it on the bed, there was a little note there, I read it and suddenly felt very ill, then hot, then plain embarrassed.

Someone at Ashraf read my post (I wonder who that might be? 😛 ) and was nice enough to go out of their way and send me this amazing gift.

I love it. And I really really appreciate it 🙂 Thank you so much!!
Ashraf’s Website.

Ooh this is exciting! got tagged by intlxpatr. Its my first time to get tagged. I went through all the other blogs and read all their answers and their posts’ titles just to make this post lol 😀
Ok lets start this thing, now lets see..
Seven things I plan to do:
1- Go on a crash diet sometime this decade.
2- Learn how to use photshop.
3- Take classes in photography.
4- Get a job.
5- Then quite my job and start my own business.
6- make this blog the best thing ever made by a human being. 😛
7- plan more plans.
Seven things I can do:
1- Install Ram. 😛
2- Hold back.
3- Cook.
4- lie professionally.
5- forgive.
6- eat 2 dinners.
7- guess a restaurant bill.
Seven things I can’t do:
1- go back to windows.
2- kill a cockroach.
3- forget.
4- eat 3 dinners.
5- act normal when i’m embarrassed.
6- speak francaise! (the shame!)
7- pick a new hobby.
Seven things I say the most:
1- malat 3albamya.
2- ok.
3- madry.
4- yemkin.
5- mita il’3ada!
6- yalla.
7- kha3akhi3.

Remember what me & Yousef wrote a couple of weeks ago regarding the problem with Zain’s account? that we cant send any emails from our applications when we’re on their ego or routers?
Now this problem is OVER! Thanks to our loyal reader Andrew who wrote in this comment to my Zain router review post:
“I phoned Zain about this and was speaking to a guy who, coincidentally, also uses his own domain name for his personal email. He told me that Zain don’t provide an outgoing SMTP server. So I just signed up for smtp2go.com (US$1.99/month) and it’s working well.”
Walla after i read his comment i went directly to Smtp2go.com and registered with them and its WORKING NOW! The registration process takes only secs.
They have a couple of packages there which are:
Available Plans |
Emails |
Price |
Standard |
50 per day |
$3.99 $1.99 / month ($23.88 / year) |
Freedom |
150 per day |
$6.99 $3.49 / month ($39.88 / year) |
Professional |
300 per day |
$9.99 $4.99 / month ($59.88 / year) |
Again my thanks goes to Andrew

The article is basically saying that new rules are on their way to moderate the Kuwaiti blogosphere and will take care of or shutdown those blogs who publish stuff that goes against Kuwaiti’s traditions & moral values and it will also moderate the political blogs.
Before posting this I looked around on Safat to see if anyone’s beat me to this post, apparently Frankom did, you can read more there.
This is bad news.

Yesterday i was in a training course in Hilton Almangaf. I was there by 8 am and when I reached the check point.. guess what?! i found a candidate’s headquarter in the resort itself!

I’m just wondering how much is the guy’s budget for the whole campaign?! his maqar was in front of the sea! 😛
I bought a nice JanSport laptop bag the other day from Carbon Fiber and was very happy with it. That same week I received my other Canon backpack for my SLR camera and was happy with it as well. But, After carrying them both 3alagalby today from one place to another I realized that I did not give it enough thought. I don’t want to be going around carrying 2 bags all the time. what if I’m traveling? or going somewhere where I need both my camera and my laptop?

I saw this Case Logic backpack in Ashraf, The one near the Sheraton, Its the bag that I should’ve bought in the first place! It stores an SLR Camera, 5 Lenses plus a Laptop. I also really liked how it looked and felt, real quality. I just wanted grab the thing, pay for it and get it over with!
But I’d feel guilty.. I just bought 2 bags! 😡

I went yesterday to the Mayadeen shooting range with my friend. It was my first time in Kuwait, I went once in Dubai and I loved it over there. In Dubai I used shotguns which made quite an impression on me.. and my shoulder.

This time it was time for a Handgun! I was very curious as to how it would feel in my hand. At first It felt awkward and got really nervous while loading the the bullets into the magazine then it got weird after hearing the sound my friend was making while he was firing away. It was loud. But I wanted to buy guns & ammo from Palmetto Armory to keep practising and acing the act.

I guess I’m a natural 😛

The place was very professional. From the moment we stepped in and until we left, all the people working there were very friendly and welcoming. There is a guy there who helps you and teach you all what you need to know before you touch the gun. He stays behind you and watches you and gives you advices. The shooting ranges were empty when we first came in, some people, guys and girls, started coming shortly after but it was still considered empty imo. There was lots of other shooting ranges. even a virtual range! where you hold a play gun and point it to a big screen.
We shot 20 shots each, and paid 12 KD, thats 6KD a nafar. 😀

Their manager was so nice! He saw me taking pictures of the place so he came over and invited me to his office to show me all those old guns, some of them were used in the 1st world war and other were used in Aljahra war in Kuwait in 1920! He was also nice enough to let me use his personal M16! that one was out of this world! for a second there I felt like a SWAT member lol! Seriously the manager was very nice. Thanks manager!

Click to see the rest of this post
Remember my The New Cadillac Bag post? Well, now they’ve released another bag which carries the name of yet another car brand under GM, The Chevrolet bag. And YES its available in Kuwait! My wife told me that some places here in Kuwait are selling it. Amana don’t they look cheap? even the idea itself is weird. I think its only a matter of time before we start seeing bags like FORD, GMC… ect. 😛
If you want to buy it you can order it directly from Amazon. It will cost you around KD17.5.

Here is how you do it:
- Go to installer.
- Go to sources.
- Add this source http://apps.q8dusty.com
- Go to install.
- Search for folder Q8Dusty you will find two things 1. Arabic Menu: which will transfer all your interface to Arabic. 2. iPhone Arabizer: this will let you write/read arabic sms’s from your original application.
So install what you want and then restart.
P.S. i’ve tried it on both versions 1.0.2 and 1.1.3 and both are working.
You will be able to read arabic fonts in: