

[wpvideo Do47RYyi]

Guys check out this guy here, He’s not the least bit bothered or held back by his english! Sij mayta3a6aal! 😛


This entry was posted on Monday, May 26th, 2008 at 7:49 am

No Responses to “Me No English..”

  1. ROUDAN says:

    haha hatha yihoon, inta shoof el awadim eli ga3da itikathar dar madara. Nice blog, you made my day.

  2. Mishary says:

    ROUDAN Anaaa ya3jebooni hal jenseyaa .. maygoloon madriii aw ma3aref !! edaber 3omra edaber 3omraa !! o ham Thanks for the comments o keep reading 😛

  3. Pure says:

    lol, but good for him at least he’s trying ; )!

  4. BB says:

    waaaaaay amooot 3ala el ma9riyeeeen
    fi 7ayati ma shift ‘7ffat 6eeena nafs hm
    eg’6b ba6nik o e’67ak 😀

  5. armagadon says:

    lol, really funny mishary, i recieve this video in ma e-mail.

  6. hespeaks says:

    lol. now that was funny ..
    “what do u sink, football, audience in tv ,, what u sink? ”

    man, that was funny. eeeh walla, me no enlidh, me this ? 😛

  7. INTER DE MILANO says:

    LooooooL ee ma9rii mayenkhaf 3aleeh :Pp …… hatha ahwaan tekfaa 3ayal check ili ba6areshlikom iyaah inshalaa thaak 3ad bol bol bil english wil isharaaat also ;))

  8. pumkinah says:

    hehehe aham shy ena lma tewahag awal shy kamal broo7a 😛 7agar ele el mfrooth ys2la 3n his opinion 😛

  9. Z'3an6oo6a says:

    ana faaaaaaahim … hehehehehe