

What an interesting new way to a buy a shirt, huh? The shop is in AlFanar Mall and soon in Burj AlSahab.

Thanks Om Yasafi.


This entry was posted on Friday, September 19th, 2008 at 8:35 pm

3 Responses to “Shirts In A Box”

  1. pumkinah says:

    b6l3 shway 3n el mwthoo3 .. i need a camera for my work oo 7adee dachaah bl ta9weer so what do u recommend for me ?? mabe shy wayd em3aqad and at the same time abe shy professional

  2. Abid says:

    Absolutely stupid. No reason to offer all that packaging for someting that does fine without it.

  3. Shosho says:

    What a nice idea! i loved it. I went that day to al-fanar and saw the shop it was soooo cute.