


Guys what do you think of this ? what is it ?

P.S. From now i can say they are not tablets 🙂


Yes, its towel! 🙂

And once you’ve added some water drops it get expanded.

Its a real towel 🙂


This entry was posted on Friday, January 2nd, 2009 at 3:55 pm

30 Responses to “Guess What?”

  1. chika says:

    Looks like lego block maf3oos ;p

  2. Mishary says:

    Nop nop 🙂

  3. 9k2hn says:

    إن ما خابني ظني…… دندرمه

  4. thegodfather says:

    ice bar

  5. Mishary says:

    9k2hn Nop 🙂

  6. Mishary says:

    thegodfather ham no 😛

  7. naser m says:

    cupcake tins

  8. twaif says:


  9. Ali says:

    elyom balil yeba 5nshofa live 😛
    then agolk sno ohwa 😛

  10. um 7amoodee says:

    what do i get if i answer right? 😛

    i saw them in jam3iyya a while ago.. i’m not gonna answer

    but to make it easy for others…it starts with ” T ”


  11. Jam3iiya(L) says:

    i knoooooooooooooow! its a towel ;D
    awal mara i know what the pic is!!!! ;D

  12. mohammed says:

    i know it is its the wet towels shaped in tablets when u put water in them. dou know where i can find them?

  13. Jam3iiya(L) says:

    mohammed, im pretty sure they sell they in mohalab, there is a stand on the first floor that sells everything folded really reallly reallllllllly small

  14. Bo Ya3goob says:

    its towels from tablets i know them coz i went one time to fusion the resturant in gallerya 2000 and the canadian chef there showed me one of them it was awesome :D:D

  15. iLSuL6ana says:

    Its a T-Shirt! Et7e6a bil maay oo e9er ekbeer 🙂 9aaaa7??!

  16. technogal says:

    I agree with iLSuL6ana 🙂 its a T-Shirt!!

  17. mrengineer says:

    its fa7am for b5or? 😛

  18. PaLoMiNo says:

    alaaaaaaaaaaaah fowaa6?? from where? abeee menhom ;p
    yenf3oon 7ag il sufar ;p

  19. Kuwait-Moda says:

    towels from tablets :p

  20. Pure says:

    Can some one plz tell whats dindarma ? I heared before but never knew the meaning : / !!

  21. Pure says:

    Tell me **

  22. neoark says:

    i thought at first 50 fils 3ala silver plate

    hatha 7alaw 3ala silver plate ;p

  23. 5ermesS says:

    Pure: danderma means ice cream bl.turkey

    Mishary: at first I thought enek 9af coins fog qa9dir bs youm sheft elcomments I change my mind ;p my answer is Towels 😀

  24. DVLz says:

    Mishary no more watch advertisement this year ?

  25. iLSuL6ana says:

    loool i was close 😛

  26. Mishary says:

    um 7amoodee & Jam3iiya(L) & mohammed & Bo Ya3goob & Kuwait-Moda Your right its towel 😛

    DVLz It seems your so curious about my watch let me know if you want one 😉

  27. Pure says:

    Thanks 5ermesS 😀

  28. Abdullah says:

    Nice ring 😉 ( in the 2nd picture) 😛

  29. neoark says:

    blah, i want candy

  30. Om FasoOoL says:

    where do they sell them ?