Soon there won’t be anymore afternoon shifts for all the banks in Kuwait. Based on the tabel above, the majority seems to be with the new timing, which i from 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM. and thats it.
Thanks Abdullah
UPDATE: They disapproved it, because BKME doesn’t accept.
so they are basically just extending the working hours for 30 minutes ? poor HR, will have to work double shift to renew all the contracts with the new timing hehe
I heard it’ll be till 4pm.. but i’m not sure.
The idea was given 3 years ago.
Gulf bank always opposed the suggestion. No choice now haa ? ;P
Work is either going to be 9 – 5 (me thinks not)
or 8 – 4 (most likely)
from 8 – 4 is good
so how does a working person benefit from the banking services if they operate at the same time ? afternoon shift is a must , they pay them well 😛 lol
I agree, how stupid, in the past the banks weekend differed, so you had one day (Thursday) to get stuff done, then it was unified and we had to depend on afternoon shift, now you have to take time off….
il 9ara77a ma3indihom salfa … shino il faydah itha nafs wagt il sharikkaat !!!
il mafrouth min il 9-5 or nafs ma i7na 3alai .
At least some of the local banks should go in for evening banking and half a day Saturday banking. Will give them a competitive edge in these times of doom and gloom.
What about those of us customers who would have trouble leaving work if we need to go to the bank? This is bad. Banking is too important to not be available il3aser! I understand the head offices having different hours but I don’t understand why they’d do that for the branches.
I’m guessing however, or at least hoping, that before they put up this suggestion they surveyed the number of customers that show up il3aser and found out that the number is too negligent for the banks to be opened at that time. I also hope that they did a survey regarding whether or not customers would be able to come between 1 – 4.
they disapprove it, because The BKME doesn’t accept
3jbny BKME,
I think they just want to cut costs! not thinking about customers!
lmao I love how BKME ruined it for all!
sara7a they should open thursdays in the evening now they close!
Banks in Kuwait work from 7:30 am till 3:30pm and these are staff/employee working hours and it is for a fact staff work way beyond 3:30pm and stay on till 5pm most of the days. Customer hours 8am to 1pm so with new issues of new timings … dont know when it will benefit staff as there is no overtime given nor any additional benefits …… we need to revise banking hours as suitable to health as imagine having lunch at 4pm…. you’d rather have work 7.30 am till 2pm 🙂
I just wanna say one word to all you idiots out there
You are all thinking ohhh my god how are we going to do our banking how are we going to get on with our lives but you’re leaving out one important thing
the bank employees apparently don’t have a life for you guys..
What about us poor people who have to suffer with poor working hours, idiot imbeciles like you guys coming in and treating us as your slaves and of course the never ending shortage of time to get on with life.
So it’s okay for us to go to work 7:30 to 2pm then we have to head back out to an evening shift from 5 to 8pm of course we never end at that time.. and we have our own homes, family, husbands, kids, loved ones…
We have what 3 hrs in the afternoon which are either spent going from your job to home, eating, taking a short nap because you are overly-exhausted.. then you head back out to work.. and come back at 9-ish and what you spend 2 hrs with who? before going back to sleep… if you had kids your kids would be asleep by then they will never see Mommy or Daddy around..
So before you guys say oh my god how are we supposed to do our banking, think about the poor employees out there who are getting screwed day after day after day with this shitty arrangement.
Oh and by the way, all across the world & middle east the banks don’t work afternoon shifts.. it’s only a 1 shift from 9 – 5, you don’t hear the people out there complaining!!!!
Jacqui <—- 9a7 Lsanek wallah Kel Kelmaa geLTHaaa right
Ooo ba3deen Yalii TabOon banks Afternoon
shtaboon bel Bank Kel eLTransaction 3ndkom Bel Online Oo ATM Oo SMS Oo call Center Shtaboon ba3aD 7etaa cards To9aL Bel Mail Ba3ad eshTabOon
I dont agree with canceling the evening shift..
What i think should be done is that they employ more people so that bankers work their full morning shift and they’d have ONLY one afternoon shift in a they take turns..
Mu a7san 7al hatha??
This is a win-win situation i think..
Ya3ni wa’6faw zyada bl fer3 so that kel mowathaf eye bs marra wa7da bl esbo3 il3a9er..
All is happy =D