


I went in and in less than 10 minutes I was done and on my way to my car. Going in the afternoon time is much better than in the early morning (I went early the last time and it was crowded).

I’m glad that I’m done with the voting. I hope more people turn up..


This entry was posted on Saturday, May 16th, 2009 at 4:25 pm

8 Responses to “Voted?”

  1. Mishary says:

    walla i went at 11:00 and it took around 30 mins.

  2. Abdullah says:

    رحت صوت ب10 دقايق وما كان في احد العصر مو نفس العام زحمة

  3. Marzouq says:

    Voted and done a while back!

  4. pumkinah says:

    wayd nas ma 9awetaw mn el ya2sss !! maa aloomhum oo netmanaa hal maraa ykon fi taghyeer !

  5. Daddyz Girl says:

    The voting process took me 10 mins but the traffic was awful … but absolutely worth it 🙂

  6. Bo9ale7 says:

    khoooooooooooooooooooooosh natayej. atleast bel daera al thaltha etbared alchabd 😉

  7. psytrance says:

    i think with all the elections that’s been happening the last couple of years ,i think Kuwait has mastered the efficiency in the election process.

    Good to hear ,that you have exercised your right

  8. 1001Nights says:

    I second Bu9ali7 sujj sujj sujj 5osh nitaayij oo tbarrid il galb! A5eeran sima3na shay la 3ilaqa bil siyasa oo ham ywaniss.