


For those looking for a good source of medications and nutritional stuff for their birds and animals, this pharmacy is for for your animals and birds.

From their site:

ALWAZZAN Vet Pharmacy, for veterinary medication and nutrition Pharmacy specialized for Birds and Animals hobby – Established in Kuwait since year 1992 (with a partial asistance of Pharr Road Animal Hospital) As Family Business owned by Alwazzan, with the aim of supports and develop the Pigeon hobby and Sport, hence then we have expanded to other products to include Birds, Falconry, Poultry, Pets, And Farm Animals.

With a wide range of Feed additives to specialized feeds, veterinary pharmaceuticals and some Accessories necessary for the hobbyist.”


Thanks INM


This entry was posted on Friday, June 19th, 2009 at 12:23 am

6 Responses to “Alwazzan Vet Pharmacy”

  1. Delta White says:

    It’s posts like this that make me appreciate blogs so much. Your feed has a new subscriber! 😉

  2. […] Alwazzan Vet Pharmacy « SOME contrast […]

  3. Mishary says:

    Delta White, Your most welcome 🙂

  4. ducmania says:

    Great concept and idea.. too bad the time and effort wasn’t put into the actual ad ! i can never take a business seriously if they can not spell properly, makes a bad first impression !!

    best of luck

  5. Stafa says:

    Disney land…uhh okay?

  6. Marzouq says:

    The website seems a bit off and they didn’t check the spelling.. I don’ t know about this kind of shop really.