


The dust is unbelievable outside. How could it turn upside down in such a short time!


This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 16th, 2009 at 9:30 pm

11 Responses to “*Cough Cough*”

  1. Fereej.com says:

    allah ye3enek 🙂

  2. iLSuL6ana says:

    Shay 5ayal..tawni rada min il avenues! bil 6erej..Awal mara a5af wana asoog!

  3. Delly says:

    ilsul6ana.. abaih me 2!! just came back min il avenues, i was telling my sis : tara 3adi abchi al7een!
    its scaaaaaaaary :s
    alla y7afeth iljemeee3 🙂

  4. kcal says:

    Shiftaw shloun… 6ila3t min bait refejti ma ashoof ila sayarti ako layer of dust.. masra3!

  5. Abdullah says:

    YOU do realize your in kuwait right.

    The funny thing is, while dust was blowing in my face, i was smiling thinking ” ok , how many minutes ? 30 ? 45 ? ” for the weather to switch, a breaking record 20 mins !

    Just amazing. Kuwait = Middle Eastern London.

  6. iLSuL6ana says:

    Dellyyyyyy eeeeee waaay a9laaan makoooo do3aa2 oo quraaan magaraataaaaa!!!!

    AbdullaH..amooot 3aal tafa2ool 😛

  7. Abdullah says:

    sul6ana LOOOL, laa hatha fact sheet 😛

  8. eleventh.st says:

    Dust and contacts don’t go very well together!

    I hope the weather clears up for the weekend!

  9. Marzouq says:

    It did some damage to us!!!

  10. Lulu says:

    short time ? mo 9ijjjj… ana rada mn eL Shalaih barg o ra3ad ( 93agat )!! faj2a eb Seconds gaLaaaB ghBaar then mo6ar !!! 4 seasons in 4 mins lol

  11. Bonds Blogg says:

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