I don’t know if this ever happened to you, but yesterday I was heading to the Avenues for lunch and just 3 minutes before reaching the mall I looked at what I was wearing and discovered that I was wearing my house slippers instead of a real decent ones! It was hilarious discovering that. I was about to turn back home but thankfully my friends were there ahead of me, so they bought me a pair of Crocs and brought them down to me in the parking lot..
OH it’s Hardy from Hardy and Stanley! 5osh in3aal ya3ni totally ‘retro’ fashion statement 😛
I actually went to work wearing two different shoes but they were both white. When I was walking one of my colleagues thought that my walk was weird and it was because one heel was actually higher than the other 😀
Esh’hathaaaaa !! 🙂
anaqa ma ba3adha anaqa;p
LOL thats hilarious… I would wear two different pairs of earrings or my dress inside out but never this 😛 hahahaha
DUDE ! hehe fashion statement! You should have skipped the crocs oo went in with your fancy slippers!
seeing what people are coming to the avenues these days in, you would fit it perfectly with the guys in pjs and spikey hair.. dont you think you guys could be good friends??
My friend did the very same thing at the avenues. He’ll kill me if he finds out that i’m writing about this.
mo shay yeded ya yousef ! bs hal marah eb zoud el 3adah natharat shamseya wela mobile, ashwani ma kent weyak 😉
Yusuf regarding those fancy slippers i was wondering where did u get them from? i dont mind wearing them at the avenues lol
I would have really admired you if you went in Avenues in them.
Loool that was so funny! but you know what? nice slippers!
Cute.. no i mean REALLY cute ;p
LLLOOOLLL! You’re losing your mind!
You’ve got some really nice friends to help you out bringing you crocs. 🙂
looooool! Thats hilarious!
hahaaaaaaaa!! happens alot to people i know, when i red the title, i thought u actually went in the mall.
happens all the time with ppl! lool I actually went once to the univ. with my bathroom slippers on!! y3ni eli yshoofni ygul jam3atna
“di7 elmoy!” lool
🙂 Did they buy you a pair of trousers too?
looooooooooool omg that’s hilarious! I nearly did that once, but I realised before I reached the car ashwa
It has happened to me a couple of times… but I always find out before I get into my car 😀
Man, crocs suck (seriously, they are horrible looking). At least if you went in with the slippers it would have been funny lol.
3ajeeeeba al slipper 😛
LoooooooooooooL if it were me, I wouldn’t notice because, unlike many women, I just don’t look at people’s shoes because I don’t care about shoes at all!!
that happened once to my mother in Mauritius. We were in the dining room of a really nice hotel when she realized that she had the bathroom slippers on! hahahahah. 7araam!
i love u slippers !! mn wain ? 😛 .. awal ma sheft el photo ma stw3bt ena slippers ! so lo dash fehum chan 6afat 3ly 😛 poor me !
Why did you change it? I am lil pissed cuz you cared so much for yr public image rather than ‘just being urself’. Why wearin crocies if wat u had was already cute?
its ok you should have stayed wearing them …grabbed lot of attention
NO WAY !! in the Avenues ?